cheusov / runawk

Powerful wrapper for AWK interpreter
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runawk: small wrapper for AWK interpreter that impements modules system and helps one to write the standalone AWK programs.

author: Aleksey Cheusov

project's home page:

licence: MIT license



See section MOTIVATION of runawk.1 or runawk.pod.



See INSTALL file.



RunAWK provides lots of AWK modules ready for use. All of them are under modules/ subdirectory. They are installed by default.

abort.awk,  alt_assert.awk
                 - power abort() and assert()
alt_join.awk     - join :-)
braceexpand.awk  - awk equivalent to shell's braceexpand functionality
basename.awk, dirname.awk
                 - equivalents to basename(1) and dirname(1)
embed_str.awk    - reads strings from AWK code
exitnow.awk      -
has_prefix.awk, has_suffix.awk
                 - trivial string functions
match_br.awk     - find pair closed brackets in a string
max.awk, min.awk, isnum.awk, abs.awk
                 - trivial math functions
modinfo.awk      - routines to get an information about modules that
                   are in use
multisub.awk     - another replacement functions
pow.awk          - synonym for ^
init_getopt.awk, alt_getopt.awk, power_getopt.awk
                 - POSIX/SUS compatible routines
                   for handling options EASILY ;-)
readfile.awk     - read an entire file into variable
runcmd.awk       - safe wrapper over system()
shquote.awk      - escapes shell's special characters
heapsort.awk, quicksort.awk, sort.awk
                 - sorting functions
str2regexp.awk   - string to regexp routines
tokenre.awk      - alternative mechanism for separating input into tokens
xclose.awk, xgetline.awk, xsystem.awk
                 - functions to write robust programs
tmpfile.awk      - generates names of automatically deleted tempfiles
fieldwidths.awk  - portable equivalent of GNU awk's FIELDWIDTHS ;-)
CR_in.awk        - removes CR symbols from input lines.
trim.awk         - functions for trimming spaces from the string.
trim_in.awk      - trims spaces from input lines.
backslash_in.awk - treats backslash symbol at the end of line as
                   "this line will continue on the next one".
ini.awk          - functions for reading Win .ini files.
ftrans_in.awk    - handle data file transitions
ord.awk          - character to id and id to character convertors



RunAWK also provides a few scripts:

alt_getopt - program arguments parser aware of long options, alternative to POSIX getopts and getopt(1). In addition to alt_getopt(1) utility shell library is also provided that provides an alternative way for handling options. - shell library functionally equivalent to alt_getopt(1)



Lots of examples are available in examples/ subdirectory.