chialiyun / DiagramsPreviewerVSCExt

Visual Studio Code Extension to preview Diagrams (Diagram as a Code)
MIT License
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Linux Implementation ? #15

Open abnash opened 6 days ago

abnash commented 6 days ago


Are there any plans to get the vscode extension working within a Linux OS, can't imagine it's a major ask, as it works under macos ?

I just get an error executing the code when I ask for a preview, I know dot and python are in the path as I can type

$ dot -V dot - graphviz version 2.43.0 (0) 14:30 paul@Monkey:~/Downloads $ python -V Python 3.10.12 14:36 paul@Monkey:~/Downloads $ python3 -V Python 3.10.12 14:36 paul@Monkey:~/Downloads $

other than the extension not working under Linux, everything else works just fine, in terms of generating diagrams from python code.

