chialiyun / DiagramsPreviewerVSCExt

Visual Studio Code Extension to preview Diagrams (Diagram as a Code)
MIT License
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Diagrams Previewer extension for Visual Studio Code

An extension to preview Diagrams (Diagram as a Code) while editing the code in VSCode.



The extension can be activated with

  1. Toggle Preview (Command+Shift+P for Mac, Ctrl+Shift+P for Windows)
  2. Command Preview Diagrams to load the diagrams on a separate window on the right


We provide the following settings to the extension:

type default
diagramspreviewer.pythonCommand string default 🆕 option: "VS Code Python Interpreter". This option will use the interpreter set on VS Code's python extension and it will be applicable to any platform (Windows / Mac).

The other options will only apply to Mac platform.

Requirements (Set up)

Make sure you have installed the following before activating the extension:




Demonstration GIF

Source Code Example:

from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Web Service",show=False): # It is recommended to set "show" to false to prevent the pop out of the diagram in your image viewer
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("Production") >> RDS("Accounts")
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("UAT") >> RDS("Accounts")
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("Dev") >> RDS("Accounts")

Release Notes

Please refer to

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