chicks / aes

AES.encrypt and AES.decrypt for Ruby
MIT License
86 stars 45 forks source link

= aes

An AES encrypt/decrypt gem built on top of OpenSSL. Not as quick as FastAES but doesn't require building native extensions - also supports Base64 encoded input and output.


require 'aes'

Generate a random key

key = AES.key => "290c3c5d812a4ba7ce33adf09598a462"

Encrypt a string. Default output is base_64 encoded, init_vector and cipher_text are joined with "$"

b64 = AES.encrypt("A super secret message", key) => "IJjbgbv/OvPIAf4R5qAWyg==$fy0v7JwRX4kyAWflgouQlt9XGmiDKvbQMRHmQ+vy1fA="

Same as above but minus the base64 encoding, init_vector and cipher_text are shoved into an array

plain = AES.encrypt("A super secret message", key, {:format => :plain}) # => [";\202\222\306\376<\206\343\023\245\312\225\214KAm", "C\343\023\323U~W>\023y\217\341\201\371\352\334\311^\307\352{\020 H(DVw\3224N\223"]

Generate a random initialization vector

iv = AES.iv(:base_64) => "IJjbgbv/OvPIAf4R5qAWyg=="

Encrypt a string, with a provided key and init_vector.

b64_iv = AES.encrypt("A super secret message", key, {:iv => iv}) => "IJjbgbv/OvPIAf4R5qAWyg==$fy0v7JwRX4kyAWflgouQlt9XGmiDKvbQMRHmQ+vy1fA="

AES.decrypt(b64, key) => "A super secret message"

AES.decrypt(plain, key, {:format => :plain}) => "A super secret message"

By default data is padded to the nearest 16 bytes block. To turn

this off, you may use the :padding => false (or nil) option.


In this mode however, the caller is required to pad the data. In

the following example the message is exactly 16 bytes long, so no

error aries.

msg = AES.encrypt("A secret message", key, {:padding => false}) => "SnD+WIfEfjZRrl+WAM/9pw==$89sGGZsu973j8Gl6aXC8Uw=="

Be sure to pass the same padding option when decrypting the

message, as it will fail if you try to decrypt unpadded data and

didn't specify :padding => false.

AES.decrypt(msg, key, {:padding => false}) => "A secret message"

== Contributing to aes

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Carl Hicks. See LICENSE.txt for further details.