chief-nerd / Tabbie2

The Tabbie2 project main repo
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debating debating-tab php tabbie tabbing yii2

Tabbie2 - the new way to tab

Welcome to Tabbie2. This is how this git is structured. All pushes to branch: master will be also pushed to the live version at


  tabbie2.git/      contains the source code
  schema/           contains the mysql schema representation for MySQLWorkbench
  CI/               contains images and other corporate design elements

Main Contributors

Jakob Reiter - repo owner Richard Coates - algorithm evangelist


This Version 2 of Tabbie is based on the work of Tabbie from Tom Lake [] Other contributors to the original Tabbie project include Giles Robertson, Isabel Nimmo, Klaas van Schelven, Deepak Jois, Ben Walker, Giles Robertson, Meir Maor, and Joshua Lo