chiefbiiko / noir-safe

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Verifies an EIP-1186 storage proof of a Safe multisig within a 3-fold aggregated circuit.

Install tooling

# install noirup
curl -L | bash
# install bbup
curl -L | bash
# install nargo and bb
noirup -v 0.32.0
bbup -v 0.46.1
# install json and toml parsers
brew install jq yq

Test everything e2e

RPC= \
SAFE=0x38Ba7f...673336EDDc \
MSG_HASH=0xa225aed0c0283cef82b24485b8b28fb756fc9ce83d25e5cf799d0c8aa20ce6b7 \
REQ_ID=123 \

Compile all circuits and generate a Solidity verifier


Fetch and preprocess inputs

To sign a msg via a Safe and obtain the msg hash use the scripts within scripts/safe

RPC= \
SAFE=0x38Ba7f...673336EDDc \
MSG_HASH=0xa225aed0c0283cef82b24485b8b28fb756fc9ce83d25e5cf799d0c8aa20ce6b7 \
REQ_ID=123 \
  cargo run --manifest-path prelude/Cargo.toml

Generate the aggregated proof

REQ_ID=123 ./scripts/

Verify with the binary and in Solidity

REQ_ID=123 ./scripts/

Run the proving server

cargo run --manifest-path ./server/Cargo.toml --release

Test the proving server
