chigix / rengular

RDF described Visual Novel-style Game Engine atop Web Components
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link
angular engine game ranobe visual-novel


CircleCI npm version JSON-LD-logo-88

The modern visual novel-style game engine leveraging the power of web and Angular in ultimate stories -- open source and free to render interactive storytelling on browsers acrossing variety of smart devices upon the modern Web Components standards embracing the New Generation of Internet and Web.

Design Overview

Documents are preparing in Wiki Repository and in planning to be integrated into project homepage.

Component Theming and Typography

This feature is not required but recommended and currently implemented by default provided SimulationService.

Sample Component:

  textbox: {
    // Use Material Dark Theming and Default Typography
    '@theming' : ['mat-dark-theming', 'mat-typography'],

Scene Program in a Scene (Renaming to Gekijo is in plan)

Sample Program:

  '@program': [
    { textbox: { text: 'Are you all right? Ayanami! ...' } },
    { textbox: { text: "Don't ever say that ! Just don't say that you have nothing else!" } },
    { delay: 1000, textbox: {
      text: "And don't say goodbye when you leave for a mission, it's just too sad."}},
    { textbox: {
      text: "Why are you crying? I'm very sorry I don't know what I should do or feel at a time like this"}},
    { delay: 2000, textbox: 'Smile is all~' },

RenGULAR Programming Interface (RenPI)

Initially, RenPI is designed using Resource Description Framework (RDF) with JSON-LD in default.

DEMO: Simple Quest JSON Repository

There is a pure json repository designed to be used as a starter template or understanding RenGULAR Programing Interface, deeply representing the core concept and possible practice on:


RenGULAR Components v.s ANGULAR Components

Generally, ANGULAR Components, especially the Amazing Material Components set, are directly able to be installed and used in the whole RenGULAR environment, even through RenPI operations.

However mostly RenGULAR Components are unable to be directly used onto other ANGULAR environments due to the dependency of RenGULAR Kernel Services and some common basic components, RenGULAR Primitive Components.

RenGULAR Primitive Components (RenCom)

RenGULAR Simple Components (RenSimCom)

RenGULAR Context Actions


Inspired by Ren'Py.
