chillerlan / php-oauth-providers

OAuth 1/2 Provider implementations for chillerlan/php-oauth-core. PHP 8.1+
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link
discogs-api github-oauth lastfm-api let-php5-die oauth oauth-client oauth1 oauth2 php php-library php5-is-dead php7-is-dead php8 psr-17 psr-18 psr-7 rfc5849 rfc6749 spotify-web-api twitter-oauth


ATTENTION: This library has been abandoned and archive in favor of chillerlan/php-oauth

PHP Version Support Packagist version License Continuous Integration CodeCov Codacy Packagist downloads


See the wiki for advanced documentation.


For documentation of the core components see chillerlan/php-oauth-core.


requires composer

composer.json (note: replace dev-main with a version boundary)

    "require": {
        "php": "^8.1",
        "chillerlan/php-oauth-providers": "dev-main"


Supported Providers

A list of already implemented Providers.

Provider API keys revoke access OAuth ClientCredentials
Amazon link 2
BattleNet link link 2
BigCartel link link 2
Bitbucket link 2
Deezer link link 2
DeviantArt link link 2
Discogs link link 1
Discord link 2
Flickr link link 1
Foursquare link link 2
GitHub link link 2
GitLab link 2
Google link link 2
GuildWars2 link link 2
Imgur link link 2
Instagram link link 2
LastFM link link -
MailChimp link 2
Mastodon [link]() 2
MicrosoftGraph link link 2
Mixcloud link link 2
MusicBrainz link link 2
NPROne link 2
OpenCaching link link 1
OpenStreetmap link 1
OpenStreetmap2 link 2
Patreon link 2
PayPal link 2
PayPalSandbox link 2
Slack link link 2
SoundCloud link link 2
Spotify link link 2
SteamOpenID link -
Stripe link link 2
Tumblr link link 1
Tumblr2 link link 2
Twitch link link 2
Twitter link link 1
TwitterCC link link 2
Vimeo link link 2
WordPress link link 2
YouTube link link 2


OAuth tokens are secrets and should be treated as such. Store them in a safe place, consider encryption.
I won't take responsibility for stolen auth tokens. Use at your own risk.