chilloutman / photo-flow

ZHAW project. Photography Workflow Application
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
java javafx student-project


ZHAW project: Photography Workflow Application

Getting Started

Without Eclipse Gradle Plugin

  1. Generate eclipse files from the command line: gradle eclipse
  2. In Eclipse: Right Click -> Import... -> Existing Projects
  3. Select all modules (core, app, ...)
  4. Done

With Eclipse Gradle Plugin

  1. In Eclipse: Right Click -> Import... -> Gradle Projects
  2. Select photo-flow
  3. Click Build Model
  4. Select all modules (core, app, ...)
  5. Uncheck all the checkboxes, expept for executeAfter. There, change afterEclipseImport to eclipse.
  6. In the Eclipse menu: Window -> Show View -> Other... -> Gradle Tasks
  7. Done

Useful Gradle Tasks

eclipse: Generate eclipse files. Necessary after changing project configuration or adding new libraries.

build: Build all jar files and application binary.

run: Run the applicaiton

run --debug-jvm: Debug the application