chimerror / quoll-issues

Issues for a reality programming text adventure at
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Quoll Issues Repository

Quoll is the code name for a reality programming text adventure that I am working on. Help Ada figure out how to use the mystical realm of Funge space to change the reality around her while still ensuring the premises are met. There will be twisty passages and grues!

While I wish to keep the actual code repository private, I also want to keep track of work and features publically, so I am creating this issues repository. As such, this repository will have no actual sorce code. (Don't worry, I'll make the source code repository public upon full release!)

If you wish to file an issue, I recommend using the TRANSCRIPT ON and TRANSCRIPT OFF commands to make a transcript of the game to attach to your issues, as well as using the Playerr Feedback feature to leave comments in the playthrough by starting your commands with common punctuation like "?" or "!".

You can also follow my progress on the project Trello board.

WARNING: I will generally try to keep spoilers for the game out of the titles of the issues themselves, or usually put them on my private Trello board. However, don't consider that a guarantee that I won't spoil plot points or gameplay mechanics in either the titles or the descriptions of the issues. Especially in the case of the descriptions, where I care more about accurately describing what the issue is than hiding secrets.

Despite that I may reference secrets in the titles using something like "Wild Grue Easter Egg", which may give away that there even is an Easter egg around that. But I will try to pick names that don't go into too much detail of what the secret actually is.