This component for the most part is a straight forward database interface. On display, it should getAllEmployees and display them in a table. This table should have:
[ ] Columns for First Name, Last Name, Email and Permissions
[ ] The ability to click into rows, change the information and save (w/confirmation changes are wanted) the updated information to the db
[ ] A de-activate option at the end of each employee row
Besides the table we'll also need:
[ ] An add employee control. Could be as easy as an empty table row below and detached from the table, where user can save new employee info. The handler for this component should call to /api/Employee/createEmployee
I made the design with following the details you prepared and put the comments I should need for this task on the design too. Could you give me feedback?
This component for the most part is a straight forward database interface. On display, it should getAllEmployees and display them in a table. This table should have:
Besides the table we'll also need: