chipairon / i18nline-rails

Translation management engine for Rails applications.
MIT License
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Translation management engine for Rails applications.

What i18nline does


  1. Add i18nline to your Gemfile: $ gem 'i18nline-rails' 1b. Optionally install rails-i18n for some nice default translations: $ gem 'rails-i18n'jj
  2. Run bundle: $ bundle
  3. Copy pending migrations: $ rake i18nline:install:migrations
  4. Copy initialization files: $ rails generate i18nline:install
  5. Run migrations: $ rake db:migrate
  6. Fill the required fields in config/initializers/i18nline.rb
  7. Add a reference to i18nline assets to your application layout file: <%= i18nline_assets_inclusion_tag %>
  8. Mount the engine adding this line to your routes.rb file: mount I18nline::Engine => "/i18nline"
  9. Make sure i18n fallbacks are disabled if you want your translators to have access to "inline translation". In environtments/production.rb (and others) make sure: config.i18n.fallbacks = false
  10. Restart the server

If everything is right, users who can translate as specified in the initilizer file will see red inline marks on missing translations on views.

Right clicking an inline mark will open a translation management view for that specific key.

A translation dashboard will be available to translators at /i18nline.

Note on locale tracking

Your application should keep track of the locale that is asked by the user. A basic implementation of this in you application controller could look like this:

  before_action :set_locale

  def set_locale
    previous_locale = session[:locale] || I18n.locale.to_s
    I18n.locale = params[:locale] || session[:locale] || locale_from_browser || default_language
    if I18n.locale.to_s != session[:locale].to_s
      logger.debug "Locale changed from -#{session[:locale].to_s}- to -#{I18n.locale.to_s}-."
      unless I18n.available_locales.include? I18n.locale.to_s
        logger.debug "-#{I18n.locale.to_s}- is not included in available locales. Changing back to locale -#{previous_locale}-."
        I18n.locale = previous_locale
    session[:locale] = I18n.locale.to_s

    def locale_from_browser

You can learn more about it here:


You need to provide some configuration options so i18nline can work. They configuration file is located at your_app_root/config/initializers/i18nline.rb.

Advanced topics

Fallbacks are already done by I18n, but show how to use them here.

Cache abilitation already done by i18n, but show how to set it here.

How to contribute


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.