chiphogg / liec

A fork of Tony Kuphaldt's free textbooks from the forums. Main goal is to make it easy to make ebooks.
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We assume that you have a Linux/Unix computer system or the equivalent software running under windows, and that you want to work from the source files. If you want to modify the text, you need the source files. An individual user of .html or .pdf does not need to have the source files, nor use a Linux/UNIX. Though the .html, .ps and .pdf certainly can be generated from the sources.

If you do not have such facilities, or requirements, you may want to download liechtml.tar.gz instead for html (htm) for all volumes. If you only need postscript (.ps) or .pdf you may download the individual volumes from the corresponding volume web pages. Continue if you want to work with the sources.

MS Windows users note that the popular WinZip utility is said to be able to process the .tar and .tar.gz of which we speak below. Use that instead of the Linux/UNIX based instructions in this document to unzip the single liechtml.tar.gz, and the individual *.ps.gz for each volume. We doubt that it is reasible to modify the sources on other than a Linux or Unix sustem.

This document describes: 1)How to generate source files for all volumes from liectiny.tar or liecsrc.tar 2)How to make html (make html) 3)How to make everything else (make all) ps - postscript pdf - adobe portable document format LaTex - for publishing a printed book ascii - plain text


The top level archive file will un-tar (unpack) into a root directory and subdirectories for each of the volumes: DC, AC, Semi, Digital, Ref, Exper. Each of these will initially contain a tar.gz file corresponding to each volume. The top level directory contains a Makefile target which unzips and untars the tar.gz's in all five individual volume subdirectories. However, you must untar the top level .tar file manually. Suppose that you have downloaded liectiny.tar. Untar it as follows in a direcctory of your choosing (lessons used here):

mkdir lessons
mv liectiny.tar lessons/
cd lessons
tar xvf liectiny.tar
make untarliectinytar

The "tar xvf" command above will give you Makefile, index.htm, various supporting files and the directories: DC, AC, Semi, Digital, Ref, Exper, containing one each of the corresponding tar.gz files. The subdirectory Devel with all files, requiring no further work, will also be present. While you could sucessively cd to the individual subdirectories, unzip and untar the tar.gz's, the top level Makefile will do this as described below for liectiny or liecsrc. Check that you have one tar.gz file in each of the above five subdirectories, and that Makefile is present in your top level directory

Then execute "make untarliectinytar" as above to fill the five subdirectories with the source files corresponding to the individual tar.gz's. Verify that DC, AC, Semi, Digital, Ref, and Exper are full of files.

If you are using liectiny.tar, the mogrify command from the ImageMagic package must be available on your system to regenerate the .png images from .eps images and .eps from .jpg and some .png images. Else, you need to use the much larger liecsrc.tar instead of liectiny.tar.

If you have downloaded the larger liecsrc.tar file, untar as follows in a suitable directory:

mkdir lessons
mv liecsrc.tar lessons/
cd lessons
tar xvf liecsrc.tar
    make untarliecsrctar

Check for the top level Makefile, and that subdirectories: DC, AC, Semi, Digital, Ref, and Exper have one tar.gz each. Then make "untarliecsrctar" should fill these subdirectories with numerous files.

You can now build your target files of choice: "html" or "all" for most users. If you started with liecsrc.tar, you shoud have everything you need. If you started with liectiny.tar you will need the mogrify command from the ImageMagick package.

Makefile targets

A makefile is included for building the various formats of this document. Choose a target for use with the make command to generae the file most appriopriate to you application.

html :

The 'html' option puts together all the pieces necessary to create HTML output for each volume of the book. However, you need to make the .eps and .png images first, if starting with liectiny. It is the default option. The end user wanting a local copy of the volumes in html use this. To produce the html for a local copy from liecsrc, execute the following commands from the top level directory (lessons in example above):

make html

If using liectiny as a starting point, make the images first:

make eps
make png
make html

all :

The 'all' option generates HTML and compressed .ps, and .pdf output for all volumes, and also updates all archive files. The intent of this option is for web content providers to be able to simply type 'make all' after uploading the latest source code and have it produce ALL the files necessary for users to download. If starting from liecsrc, use this command from the top level directory:

make all

If starting with liectiny, use the tinyinstall target below instead of all.

tinyinstall :

The 'tinyinstall' option installs all necessary files from the untarred 'liectiny.tar' archive file. See untarliectiny above for unzipping and untarring the 'liectiny.tar' archive files in the volume directories prior to this. Note that the mogrify command from the ImageMagick package must be available on your system to regenerate the .png images from .eps images and .eps from .jpg and some .png images. Else, you need to use the liecsrc.tar instead of liectiny.tar.

make tinyinstall

If you want to make a web site which allows the user to download the liectiny.tar, liecsrc.tar and liechtml.tar as from the top level "Lessons in Electricity" page, then continue to the next section and make the three tartets liectiny, liecsrc, and liechtml so that those .tar's will be generated. Or, if you wish to modify any file, continue to "FOR



Don't read this unless you are going to modify or edit the source files after they have been installed. The liectiny, liecsrc, and liechtml targets create new liectiny.tar and liecsrc.tar archives rspectively.

liectiny :

The 'liectiny' option archives the bare minimum set of files necessary to reconstruct the entire book. Image files, while duplicated in the directories as both .eps and .jpg formats for HTML and TeX/LaTeX/DVI output, respectively, are archived here only in their raw source (native) formats: that is, .eps for all schematics, .eps for tables and equations, .jpg for artwork, and .jpg for photographs. This .tar file is about 9 Mbyte. Use this command to create a new liectiny.tar:

make liectiny

liecsrc :

The 'liecsrc' option archives all source files necessary to reconstruct the entire book. This is about 80 Mbytes Use this command to create a new liecsrc.tar:

make liecsrc

liechtml :

The 'liechtml' option pieces together only those files necessary for all volumes of the book to be viewable in HTML format. No source code is included (only HTML code) and only JPEG and PNG image formats. Designed for the non-contributing reader who just wants a browsable copy on their own machine.

png :

The 'png' option creates PNG versions of all illustrations, graphs, and equations from their respective EPS source files. You migh use this if you modify the source .eps images to generate the corresponding .png's required by html. Before running "make html" on liecdtiny, run a "make png" Requires 20 minutes on a 500 Mhz P5.

eps :

The 'eps' option creates Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) versions of all photographic images and artwork images from their respective JPG source files. If you add or modify .jpg photo's or .png screen cpature shots, you migh use this. Before running "make html" on liecdtiny, run a "make eps" Requires a few minutes on a 500 Mhz P5.

More notes:

Each of the six individual volume subdirectories contains a Makefile, which can generate the above for a single volume. Examine the Makefiles to determine the names of the targets, or look at the top level Makefile for clues. Note that tartets in these individual volume subdirectory Makefiles are used by the top level Makefile.

Any of Tony Kuphaldt's development notes and tutorial are available in the Devel subdirectory. This shows how to wite or modify source .sml.

The "untarliecsrc" make target will unzip and untar the tar.gz residing in each of the individual subdirectories after executing tar xvf liecsrc.tar, which procuces these subdirectories and files. The subdirectories include AC, DC, Semi, Digital, REf, Exper

The "untarliectiny" make target will unzip and untar the tar.gz residing in each of the individual subdirectories after executing tar xvf liectiny.tar, which procuces these subdirectories and files. The subdirectories include

Missing files

The following executable files, which can be downloaded from links on the top level index.htm page are not included in the tarball as they are third party, not developed by the authors. If you want the download links on your copy to work, you need these.

sed.exe spice spice.exe dpmi32vm.ovl 32rtm.exe