pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt -e . && pre-commit install
(if you want to make changes to
this repo),pip3 install .
(if you want to simply use chipmunk.).If you have installed it as above, first re-install via following command.
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt -e .
pre-commit install
Note that there is -e
in install command. It will install this package in
development mode, and simply link actual chipc directory to your Python's
site-packages directory.
python3 -m unittest
python chipc/chipmunk.py ...
This way you don't have to keep installing and uninstalling whenever you make a
change and test. However, still you have to run via python3 chipc/chipmunk.py
instead of using the installed binary.
Also consider using venv, virtualenv or pipenv to create an isolated Python development environment.
iterative_solver example_specs/simple.sk example_alus/stateful_alus/raw.alu example_alus/stateless_alus/stateless_alu.alu 2 2 "0,1,2,3" 10 --hole-elimination
iterative_solver example_specs/simple.sk example_alus/stateful_alus/raw.alu example_alus/stateless_alus/stateless_alu.alu 2 2 "0,1,2,3" 10 --parallel --parallel-sketch --hole-elimination
You need to run setup in editable mode (with -e) to generate lexer and parser in this directory.
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt -e .
python3 -m unittest
If you want to add a test, add a new file in tests directory or add
test cases in existing test_*.py