chips-blockchain / pangea-poker

This is the reference GUI for Pangea Poker, blackchain based decentralised game.
25 stars 16 forks source link

Dependency Dashboard #490

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread Unavailable
npm @types/cssnano Unavailable
npm @types/prettier Unavailable
npm @types/rc-slider Unavailable
npm @types/react-tabs Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm parcel-bundler Unavailable
npm react-context-devtool Unavailable
npm tslint Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

Dockerfile - `node 14`
.github/workflows/build.yml - `actions/checkout v1` - `actions/setup-node v1` - `samuelmeuli/action-electron-builder v1`
.github/workflows/lint.yml - `actions/checkout v1` - `stefanoeb/eslint-action 1.0.2`
.github/workflows/test.yml - `actions/checkout v1` - `stefanoeb/jest-action 1.0.2`
package.json - `@emotion/core 10.1.1` - `@emotion/styled ^10.0.27` - `@types/react-modal 3.12.0` - `axios ^0.21.0` - `babel-jest 25.5.1` - `concurrently 6.1.0` - `cssnano ^4.1.10` - `deep-diff ^1.0.2` - `electron-is-dev 2.0.0` - `emotion ^10.0.27` - `howler 2.2.1` - `normalize.css ^8.0.1` - `rc-slider 9.7.2` - `react 16.14.0` - `react-dom 16.14.0` - `react-hook-form 5.7.2` - `react-modal 3.13.1` - `react-tabs 3.2.2` - `react-tooltip 4.2.19` - `react-use-websocket ^2.0.0` - `wait-on 4.0.2` - `@babel/core 7.14.2` - `@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.14.2` - `@babel/plugin-transform-typescript 7.13.0` - `@babel/preset-env 7.14.2` - `@babel/preset-react 7.13.13` - `@babel/preset-typescript 7.13.0` - `@emotion/babel-preset-css-prop 10.2.1` - `@types/babel__core 7.1.14` - `@types/cssnano 4.0.0` - `@types/deep-diff 1.0.0` - `@types/enzyme 3.10.8` - `@types/enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.0.6` - `@types/eslint 6.8.1` - `@types/eslint-plugin-prettier 3.1.0` - `@types/jest 26.0.23` - `@types/jsdom 16.2.10` - `@types/jsdom-global 3.0.2` - `@types/parcel-bundler 1.12.3` - `@types/prettier 1.19.0` - `@types/rc-slider 8.6.6` - `@types/react 16.14.13` - `@types/react-dom 16.9.12` - `@types/react-tabs 2.3.2` - `@types/react-test-renderer 17.0.1` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 2.34.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 2.34.0` - `babel-eslint 10.1.0` - `babel-loader 8.2.2` - `babel-plugin-emotion 10.2.2` - `babel-plugin-jsx-pragmatic 1.0.2` - `babel-plugin-transform-inline-environment-variables 0.4.3` - `electron 10.4.5` - `electron-builder 22.10.5` - `enzyme 3.11.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.15.6` - `eslint 6.8.0` - `eslint-config-airbnb 18.2.1` - `eslint-config-prettier 6.15.0` - `eslint-config-wesbos 1.0.1` - `eslint-plugin-html 6.1.2` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.24.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.4.1` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 3.4.0` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.23.2` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks 3.0.0` - `husky 4.3.8` - `jest 25.5.4` - `jsdom 16.5.3` - `jsdom-global 3.0.2` - `parcel-bundler 1.12.5` - `prettier 1.19.1` - `react-context-devtool 2.0.3` - `react-test-renderer 16.14.0` - `ts-jest 26.5.6` - `tslint 6.1.3` - `tslint-eslint-rules 5.4.0` - `typescript 3.9.9`
.travis.yml - `node 12`