:warning: Keep in mind that the game is in alpha stage. There is a risk of loosing funds.
Play decentralized poker via the CHIPS blockchain.
We hope to release a publicly playable version in April. You can find the latest releases here.
Currently, to play, you will need to run your own back-end nodes. We are working on a Docker container to make this easy, which is expected to ship in April. Here you can find the old, complicated way of setting up the back-end nodes.
Run npm install
and npm start
in the root folder This will fire up a web server and you can try the app via http://localhost:1234
Run npm run electron-dev
to start the Electron app in development.
Run npm electron-pack
to package the app with electron-builder for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
In order not to fail Gitub CI all the time, set up a local git hook to check lint and run tests before a push to the repo.
nano ./.git/hooks/pre-push
set -e
node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js './src/' --ext .js,.ts,.tsx
npm run test
sudo chmod +x ./.git/hooks/pre-push
Good video explaining redux vs context state management approach https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=134&v=eBYJ7O482Dc&feature=emb_title
You can activate developer mode and skip the startup modal by adjusting the src/config/local.json
REDUCER - adds extra logging from reducer to the console output.
Please reach out to us via Discord and check out the open Issues.