This repository contains design files for implementing a SweRVTM 1.4 based processor complex in a commercially available FPGA board, the Nexys4 DDR from Digilent Inc. The repository also contains example software and support files for loading the software into the design, and debugging the software.The previous version can be found in 1.0.
By contributing to this project, you agree that your contribution is
governed by the Apache-2.0 license.
Files under the common software directory may be
available under a different license. Please review each individual
file for details.
├── hardware # Hardware directory
│ ├── constraints # FPGA constraints files
│ ├── design_top # Reference design top
│ ├── peripherals # AXI peripherals, clock and reset modules
│ ├── project # Vivado tcl project script
│ └── swerv_eh1 # Swerv_eh1 core
└── software # Sofware directory
├── apps # Example applications, Makefiles
├── bsp # Board support package
└── common # Common headers and printf utility
This readme assumes the user is building the swerv reference design from a Linux development machine.
riscv toolchain installation for 32 bit riscv
Installation instructions are available from the RISC-V consortium:
Please note that for Swerv we need to specify the architecture as
rv32imc. So the correct configuration command for building
the cross-compiler is:
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32imc
$ make
riscv openocd installation, for programming and debugging the core. This is available on github Note: The RISC-V consortium gnu-compiler-toolchain package also has a copy of openocd. Make sure your path is set correctly to point to commit version: af3a034 from riscv-openocd
Jtag probe (e.g., Olimex ARM-USB-Tiny-H)
Set the SWERV_EH1_FPGA_PATH environment variable to repository path.
$ cd /path/to/Cores-SweRV_fpga
$ export SWERV_EH1_FPGA_PATH=`pwd`
Copy Cores-SweRV
folder to the hardware directory
), rename it swerv_eh1
and set RV_ROOT to point
$ export RV_ROOT=$SWERV_EH1_FPGA_PATH/hardware/swerv_eh1
Configure swerv_eh1
core for the Nexys4 DDR board. We use default
settings with reset_vec=0x0
Go to configs folder (path: $RV_ROOT/configs
) and run the
script as below:
$ ./swerv.config -set reset_vec=0x0 -unset=icache_enable
Create FPGA project using the vivado tcl project script file
inside project/script
$ cd $SWERV_EH1_FPGA_PATH/hardware/project/script
$ vivado -source nexys4ddr_refprj.tcl
Vivado will open and start building your project files. (Note: this assumes that your path is correctly setup to launch vivado 2018.2 by default. You may need to supply an absolute path to lauch the correct vivado version). The GUI will stay open to in the new project environment.
Now that you have the project directory, you synthesize and
implement your design to obtain the FPGA .bit file, using the same
flow you would use for any other Xilinx design:
Menu >> Flow >> Run
Now we are ready to program the Nexys4 DDR board. Connect the board to the host using micro usb cable to download the bit file and UART printfs.
Connect the Olimex GDB connector with the Nexys4 DDR board to download and debug software applcations.
Now, switch on the board and download the bit file using the Vivado Hardware Manager.
Congratulations! You now have Swerv running on your FPGA!
Next, we need to an application to run on this system. Go to software/apps
folder and build the application using make
command. We provide a makefile to generate the executable (e.g., hello.elf).
There are two applications:
1) hello
: print Hello world from SweRV on FPGA!
2) sum
: compute sum of the numbers from 3 to 9.
NOTE: The bsp
folder has the startup file, linker loader and openocd script.
NOTE: The common
folder has printf, uart device functions and memory map information.
Once we generate an application executable, we need to configure openocd+GDB and UART device.
a. OpenOCD+GDB
file inside bsp
folder$ sudo openocd -f swerv_openocd.cfg
(sudo may be required to access the Olimex device directly) Use another terminal and run GDB. Then connect to openocd, load and debug.
$riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb hello.elf <
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
(gdb) load
b. UART: we can see the uart ouput using minicom
To do this we need to determine which serial port is
currently associated with the Nexus board, which can be
checked using dmesg. e.g.,
$ dmesg | grep ttyUSB
[19023.576527] usb 3-6: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB2
Assuming there is only one USB serial device, this
means we want to use /dev/ttyUSB2
$ sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB2
If everything works fine, you can see a beautiful message on the UART terminal:
Hello world from SweRV on FPGA!