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Flow fails in step 3 #72

Open rvijgen opened 11 months ago

rvijgen commented 11 months ago

It seems like this worked a few days ago, but now I get this error:

[STEP 3] [INFO]: Running Initial Floorplanning (log: runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/logs/floorplan/3-initial_fp.log)... [ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit -no_init -python /content/conda-env/share/openlane/scripts/odbpy/ extract_core_dims --output-data /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/dimensions.txt --input-lef /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/merged.nom.lef /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/floorplan/3-initial_fp.def" [ERROR]: Exit code: 1 [ERROR]: Last 10 lines: File "/content/conda-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 1395, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, *ctx.params) File "/content/conda-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/click/", line 754, in invoke return __callback(args, *kwargs) File "/content/conda-env/share/openlane/scripts/odbpy/", line 36, in extract_core_dims reader = OdbReader(input_lef, input_def) File "/content/conda-env/share/openlane/scripts/odbpy/", line 37, in init odb.read_def(self.db, def_in) File "", line 9553, in read_def TypeError: in method 'read_def', argument 1 of type 'odb::dbTech '

[ERROR]: Step 3 (floorplan) failed with error: -code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {invokeStk1 throw_error} CALL {try_exec openroad -exit -no_init -python /content/conda-env/share/openlane/scripts/odbpy/ extract_core_dims --output-data /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/dimensions.txt --input-lef /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/merged.nom.lef /content/runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/tmp/floorplan/3-initial_fp.def} CALL extract_core_dims CALL init_floorplan CALL run_floorplan CALL {run_non_interactive_mode -design .}} -errorcode NONE -errorinfo { while executing "throw_error" (procedure "try_exec" line 17) invoked from within "try_exec $::env(OPENROAD_BIN) -exit -no_init -python $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/odbpy/ extract_core_dims --output-data $out_tmp --input-lef $::env(..." (procedure "extract_core_dims" line 9) invoked from within "extract_core_dims" (procedure "init_floorplan" line 60) invoked from within "init_floorplan" (procedure "run_floorplan" line 7) invoked from within "run_floorplan"} -errorline 1 [INFO]: Saving current set of views in 'runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/results/final'... [INFO]: Generating final set of reports... [INFO]: Created manufacturability report at 'runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/reports/manufacturability.rpt'. [INFO]: Created metrics report at 'runs/RUN_2023.08.24_09.15.35/reports/metrics.csv'. [INFO]: Saving runtime environment... [ERROR]: Flow failed.

isledge commented 11 months ago

This is most likely a version mismatch issue between openroad and openlane due to recent changes. We'll have to wait for someone to provide a list of working versions, since none of the previous suggestions work, e.g., using openlane 2022.11.12_3_g1298859.

isledge commented 11 months ago

Cross-posting from

This turned out to be an easy fix.

In /content/conda-env/share/openlane/scripts/odbpy/ you will need to modify line 37 to be odb.read_def(self.db.getTech(), def_in). Currently, line 37 reads odb.read_def(self.db, def_in).

Lawrence-lugs commented 10 months ago

Issue was fixed for the notebook we were using by fixing the versions to the following:

#@title Install dependencies {display-mode: "form"}
#@markdown - Click the ▷ button to setup the digital design environment based on [conda-eda](

openlane_version = '2023.07.25_2_g01e67230' #@param {type:"string"}
openroad_version = '2.0_9484_g353633e01' #@param {type:"string"}
open_pdks_version = '1.0.428_2_g405227f' #@param {type:"string"}

if openlane_version == 'latest':
  openlane_version = ''
if open_pdks_version == 'latest':
  open_pdks_version = ''
if openroad_version == 'latest':
  openroad_version = ''

import os
import pathlib
!curl -Ls | tar -xj bin/micromamba
conda_prefix_path = pathlib.Path('conda-env')
CONDA_PREFIX = str(conda_prefix_path.resolve())
!bin/micromamba create --yes --prefix $CONDA_PREFIX
!echo 'python ==3.7*' >> {CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta/pinned
!CI=0 bin/micromamba install --yes --prefix $CONDA_PREFIX \
                     --channel litex-hub \
                     --channel main \
                     openlane={openlane_version} \
                     open_pdks.sky130a={open_pdks_version} \
                     openroad={openroad_version} \
!python -m pip install gdstk gdstk
PATH = os.environ['PATH']