chipsalliance / silicon-notebooks

Apache License 2.0
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Silicon Notebooks

Build open silicon using Jupyter and Colab notebooks.


Digital Inverter with OpenLane and SKY130 PDK colab


Run a simple inverter design thru the OpenLane GDS to RTL flow targeting the open source SKY130 PDK.

inverter layout

Digital Inverter with OpenLane and GF180MCU PDK colab


Run a simple inverter design thru the OpenLane GDS to RTL flow targeting the open source GF180MCU PDK.

inverter layout

Analog Inverter with Magic colab


Draw a simple mosfet for the open source SKY130 PDK using MAGIC and simulate it in an inverter circuit using PySpice.

mosfet layout

XLS adder with OpenLane colab


Run a simple 1-bit adder design using the XLS high level synthesis toolkit thru the OpenLane GDS to RTL flow targeting the open source SKY130 PDK.

adder layout

SERV SoC with OpenLane and GF180MCU PDK colab


Run subservient: a SERV-based SoC design thru the OpenLane GDS to RTL flow targeting the open source GF180MCU PDK.

serv layout

XLS workshop with OpenLane colab


From code to silicon using XLS and OpenLane

xls layout


python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e requirements-dev.txt
nbqa flake8 *.ipynb
pytest --nbmake *.ipynb