This would allow me to generate the domain-specific processor/architecture, or hardware accelerator, and its compiler using the Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) Compiler Framework and LLVM, without having to integrate the Google Silicon framework/support for Jupyter notebook -based integrated circuit (I.C.) design with offline compiler design, and resultant embedded system simulation.
If possible, can you please kindly let me know how can I integrate the CIRCT workflow into Google Colab?
Circuit IR Compilers and Tools, CIRCT
This would allow me to generate the domain-specific processor/architecture, or hardware accelerator, and its compiler using the Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) Compiler Framework and LLVM, without having to integrate the Google Silicon framework/support for Jupyter notebook -based integrated circuit (I.C.) design with offline compiler design, and resultant embedded system simulation.
Multi-Level Intermediate Representation, MLIR, Compiler Framework
Thank you so much, and have a good day!