chipsenkbeil / choose

Fuzzy matcher for OS X that uses both std{in,out} and a native GUI
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Change Font (Or general Config) #17

Open yushangakki opened 4 years ago

yushangakki commented 4 years ago

This is wonderful! But Could you add personal config to this program? Like the font and the background? Thank you so much!

chipsenkbeil commented 4 years ago

@yushangakki, what specifically did you have in mind? Did you want to have a common config file? Or just more CLI options? You can already control the font and selected background color from the CLI options.

yushangakki commented 4 years ago

a common config file would be great! Also is it possible to change the color scheme? Thanks!

chipsenkbeil commented 4 years ago

Looks like there's NSJSONSerialization that could be used to go from an NSDictionary to a JSON string and vice versa.

Combine that with file reading in Objective C and we should be able to have a config file containing JSON that can be used to configure options.