chipsenkbeil / choose

Fuzzy matcher for OS X that uses both std{in,out} and a native GUI
422 stars 21 forks source link


GitHub release (latest by date)

Fuzzy matcher for OS X that uses both std{in,out} and a native GUI

Animated Screenshot


For the latest release, go to the releases section and download the binary.

Homebrew installation

Keep in mind that we do not maintain the homebrew formula here! So check the version you have via choose -v and compare it to the latest version in the releases section .

brew install choose-gui

Build and Install Documentation

From root of repository, run:

make docs
make install-docs

You can then issue man choose to read the manual.

Note that this requires pandoc to be installed on your system to build the manual page.


List the content from current directory

ls | choose

Open apps from the applications directories

ls /Applications/ /Applications/Utilities/ /System/Applications/ /System/Applications/Utilities/ | \
    grep '\.app$' | \
    sed 's/\.app$//g' | \
    choose | \
    xargs -I {} open -a "{}.app"

Use as a snippet manager

Suppose you have some snippets in a text file and you want to quickly search and paste them with choose. Here is a command that you can bind to some shortcut with something like Karabiner:

cat snippets_separated_with_two_newline_symbols.txt | choose -e -m -x \n\n - | pbcopy - && osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down'

This will prompt choose, get its output, copy it to pasteboard, and trigger a paste shortcut command+v.

For this to work in Karabiner, you need to give it access via Privacy & Security -> Accessibility -> karabiner_console_user_server (typically located at /Library/Application Support/org.pqrs/Karabiner-Elements/bin/karabiner_console_user_server), otherwise you will get System Events got an error: osascript is not allowed to send keystrokes. (1002)
