chirag-wadhwa / frontend-101

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DVM, BITS Pilani




Task A1 – Trippy Grid

Creating a responsive grid structure that oscillates along the viewport width together

Task A3-1 – 3D Buttons

Light Switch

Task A3-2 – 3D Buttons

Box Swished Open

Task A4 – The X Factor

Replicating iphoneX using HTML and CSS

Task A5 – DVM Logo

Animate this version of the DVM logo using CSS SVG line animations.


HTML, CSS and Javascript

Task B1-1 – Clock

Making clock using vanilla Js

Task B1-2 – Clock

Making clock using Canvas API

Task B2 – Multiple Select

List of items which can select all items between last checked and current item if selected by pressing "shift key"

Task B3 – FrontEnd Tech

To create a list which can add remove items with help of local storage to retain data when reloaded

Task B4 - Follow Along Cards

Creating a simple navigation menu containing 3-4 items with smooth and subtle animations

Task B5 – Create a basic chrome extension

Creating a chrome extension which console logs a message when you visit DVM sites particularly OASIS, BOSM, APOGEE

Task B6 - Github Profile Fetcher

using Fetch API , XMLHttpRequest and jQuery/AJAX to print a GitHub user's public profile data

Task B7 - Game Time

replicate the hit game 2048, using only vanilla JS

Task B8 - Form Validator

Making a simple form that contains somple text-fields like Name, Email, Phone, Password with constraints on password

Task B9 - Custom Carousel

creating a custom carousel which takes total number of elements and number of elements to be shown at a time as input from the user and shows the required carousel.