chlorinejs / lein-bower

Leiningen plugin for managing Bower dependencies in Clojure projects
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Leiningen plugin for managing Bower dependencies in Clojure projects


To enable lein-bower for your project, put the following in the :plugins vector of your project.clj file:

Latest version

Linking Bower

lein-bower depends on a real Bower installation on your system.

By default, if no Bower installation is found on first run, lein-bower will automatically install it locally through lein-npm. This can be disabled by setting :bower {:install-missing-bower false}.

Alternatively, if you want to associate your project with an external Bower installation, configure :location with a path to Bower. This can be either a path to a Bower directory (one that contains bin/bower) or a path to the bower executable itself.

Managing Bower dependencies

Like NPM dependencies, bower components can be installed by adding a :bower-dependencies key in your project.clj:

  :bower-dependencies [[bootstrap "2.3.1"]
                       [font-awesome "3.0.2"]
                       [angular "~1.0.6"]
                       [angular-strap "~0.7.3"]
                       [angular-ui "~0.4.0"]
                       [angular-bootstrap "~0.3.0"]]

You can specify where bower components will be installed with:

:bower {:directory "resources/public/js/lib"}

You can use bower hooks to run your own scripts:

:bower {:scripts {:postinstall "./node_modules/.bin/wiredep -s resources/public/index.html"}}

lein-bower has different default value for bower directory from bower itself: if not specified, your assets will go into resources/public/vendor (in contrast with bower, whose default directory is components/)

You can also specify what filenames to use for bower configuration:

:bower {:package-file "bower.json", :config-file ".bowerrc"}

Users of bower versions prior to v0.9.0 may want to set :package-file to "component.json". Default filenames are bower.json and .bowerrc.

Invoking Bower

You can execute Bower commands that require the presence of two files bower.json and .bowerrc using the lein bower command. This command creates temporary versions of those files based on your project.clj before invoking the Bower command you specify. The keys name, description, version and bower-dependencies are automatically added to bower.json. The key bower-directory is automatically added to .bowerrc.

$ lein bower install        # installs project dependencies
$ lein bower ls             # lists installed dependencies
$ lein bower search angular # searches for packages containing "angular"

Because lein-bower automatically generates and cleans up bower config files on each execution, you may find it useful to peek at their contents when troubleshooting, using the lein bower pprint command. For example:

$ lein bower pprint
lein-bower generated bower.json:


lein-bower generated .bowerrc:

{"name":"foo","description":"My Application","version":"0.1.0-SNAPSHOT","dependencies":{"react":"0.8.0","backbone":"1.1.0"}


Copyright 2013-2014 Hoang Minh Thang

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.