chmac / cohesion-catalyst

Repository for the Cohesion Catalyst project that aims to visualize multicollectivity with the help of Meteor and D3.
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Cohesion Catalyst is a web application aimed at visualizing multicollectivity.
Developed as part of the IFAF-funded research project C.Cat - Cohesion Catalyst.
For more information about the project and the application 👉

Requirements: Meteor version 1.2.1.

Deployment 2019

This has been updated for deployment via docker in 2019. On an Ubuntu (or probably other linux flavour) machine with docker installed, the following should be enough to start the app:

curl | sh

This will install meteor, build both the app/ and admin/ folders and run them inside a docker container. The various scripts are reasonably self explanatory. The running apps will be:


This work is released under the GNU General Publice License, version 3.

Table of Contents

  1. Project structure :memo:
  2. Local configuration :wrench:
  3. Initial data :baby:
  4. Some notes on deployment :rocket:
  5. Working with Docker :whale:

Project structure

The cohesion-catalyst project consists of two Meteor apps that share the same MongoDB database. Furthermore, the two applications use the same private (i.e. unpublished) Meteor package that provides common collections and schema definitions. We use Meteor Up X to deploy both apps to our own server.

The project structure is as follows:

Local configuration

In order to let the two applications share the same database and private packages, you need to configure the environment. Since the private packages are located outside of the two application contexts, you need to make it available to Meteor's package manager via the environment variable PACKAGE_DIRS. For the admin app the environment variable MONGO_URL needs to be set such that it points to the main application database instance. Additionally, it is required to change the port the admin app listens on.


You need to export (i.e. add) the environment variable PACKAGE_DIRS to your shell and set it to point to the location of the shared packages.

To accomplish this, add the following to the .bashrc file in your home directory:

# Set environment variable to locate shared private packages used with Meteor
export PACKAGE_DIRS="~/path/to/coca-project/global-packages"


When you are developing on your local machine and whenever you start the apps locally, run the main app first, then set the MONGO_URL environment variable for the admin app right before you start it:

  1. From the command line, inside the main /app directory, start the app and the MongoDB driver with the usual command:

    $ meteor
  2. Since MongoDB is listening on port 3001 you can then specify the MONGO_URL environment variable for the admin app and set a different port on start using the --port flag.
    So, in another shell, from inside your /admin app directory use the following commands:

    $ MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:3001/meteor meteor --port 3100

Initial data

On first-time run of the app (or after a reset), the collections in the database are empty, and we create some initial data. For example, to access the admin app an admin user is created and stored in the database. Their username is, and the password is password.


These notes on deployment are out of date. They're left here only as a pointer in case they're helpful in the future.

Some notes on deployment

In order to use Meteor Up X to deploy both apps you have to create two separate Meteor Up projects in separate directories, each of which containing the specific mup.json file for each app.

As is the case locally configuring the environment applies for deployment as well.

Required environment variables for the main app:

  • PORT

Required environment variables for the admin app:

  • PORT


  • The admin app should not install MongoDB, so you set "setupMongo": false in the mup.json file associated with the admin app.
  • PACKAGE_DIRS also needs to be exported in ~/.bashrc on the server. Otherwise, the following error occurs:
    error: unknown package in top-level dependencies: coca:common

Meteor UP X issue

Although setting MONGO_URL in the admin app's mup.json to point to the main application database, the deployment of the admin app fails because connecting to mongodb:27017 fails.

It seems to be a known issue and a workaround fix can be found in this comment.

Working with Docker

To get access to the deployed apps you need to work with the Docker CLI. Therefore, you need to login as root user.

E.g., for inspecting the running containers use:

$ docker ps

To get access to the log files of the main application that are written to the $HOME directory run the following command (logged in as root)

docker exec -it ccat-app bash

where ccat-app is the name of the running application container (use docker ps if you don't know the name). After that, cd into the home directory where you will find the ccat-log directory.

See also the information given on the MUP X project page about accessing MongoDB.