choasma / HSIC-bottleneck

The HSIC Bottleneck: Deep Learning without Back-Propagation
MIT License
81 stars 17 forks source link
deep-learning hsic information-bottleneck-theory information-theory pytorch

+begin_src bash

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** Environment

** Experimenting

** Developing

loggers For every single training, the system will keep almost all of information in the assets//raw folder and make the symlink under assets/ pointing to the latest experiments. After the training, the system will automatically generate the experiment figure in the folder.

** visualization Except the static experiment figures, you can also do animation based on the saved loggers. Checkout the script [[file:tests/][link]] for more information.

needle test

unformatted activation distribution

* learning triggers The entry point of our framework is with run_hsicbt* command plus a configuration file ([[file:config/][link]]). You can also specify the argument to overwrite the config file to achieve the goal of parameter searching as in task scripts for instance.