chocolatey / boxstarter

Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages
Apache License 2.0
1.29k stars 162 forks source link


Repeatable, reboot resilient windows environment installations made easy using Chocolatey packages.

For more information and How Tos, visit the official Boxstarter website.

The source of the Boxstarter website can be found in the repository.

Windows Environment Creation Made Easy

Quickly install your favorite applications and settings, on any machine, with a gist! No pre-installed software needed

Grab your Gist


Launch the Boxstarter launcher

boxstarter weblauncher

Easily Package Installation Scripts and Resources In a NuGet Package

A Simple Hello World

Import-Module Boxstarter.Chocolatey
New-BoxstarterPackage HelloWorld
Set-Content (Join-Path $Boxstarter.LocalRepo "HelloWorld\Tools\ChocolateyInstall.ps1") `
  -Value "Write-Host `"Hello World! from `$env:COMPUTERNAME`";choco install Git" -Force
Invoke-BoxstarterBuild HelloWorld

Install On Another Computer

$creds = Get-Credential win\mwrock
Install-BoxstarterPackage -ComputerName win `
  -Package HelloWorld -Credential $creds

Remote Install

NOTE: PowerShell Remoting must be enabled on the remote machine. Launch a PowerShell Console as administrator:

Enable-PSRemoting -Force



Please see the Boxstarter docs.


Boxstarter requires the following to work:

License / Credits

Apache 2.0 - see LICENSE and NOTICE files.

Etiquette Regarding Communication

If you are an open source user requesting support, please remember that most folks in the Chocolatey community are volunteers that have lives outside of open source and are not paid to ensure things work for you, so please be considerate of others' time when you are asking for things. Many of us have families that also need time as well and only have so much time to give on a daily basis. A little consideration and patience can go a long way. After all, you are using a pretty good tool without cost. It may not be perfect (yet), and we know that.

Submitting Issues

Observe the following help for submitting an issue.


Creating an Issue


If you would like to contribute code or help squash a bug or two, that's awesome. Please familiarize yourself with CONTRIBUTING.


Committers, you should be very familiar with COMMITTERS.