choderalab / fah-xchem

Tools and infrastructure for automated compound discovery using Folding@home
MIT License
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Tools and infrastructure for automated compound discovery using Folding@home.


  1. Clone the repository and cd into repo root:

    git clone
    cd fah-xchem
  2. Create a conda environment with the required dependencies:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    If the above process is slow, we recommend using mamba to speed up installation:

    mamba env create -f environment.yml
  3. Install fah-xchem in the environment using pip:

    pip install .

Example usage

Download molecule and experimental data from CDD and generate an experimental data file for analysis use:

export CDD_VAULT_NUM=<vault-num>
export CDD_VAULT_TOKEN=<vault-token>


# will take some time; pulls full data export from CDD
fah-xchem -l INFO cdd --data-dir cdd-data/ retrieve-protocol-data --molecules -i $FLUORESCENCE_IC50_PROTOCOL_ID

# next step REQUIRES OpenEye license
export OE_LICENSE=/path/to/oe_license.txt

# merges and transforms data elements pulled from CDD into usable form for downstream analysis
fah-xchem -l INFO cdd --data-dir cdd-data/ generate-experimental-compound-data -i 49439 experimental_compound_data.json

Run transformation and compound free energy analysis, producing results/analysis.json:

fah-xchem --loglevel INFO \
        compound-series analyze \
        --experimental-data-file experimental_compound_data.json \
        --config-file config.json \
        --fah-projects-dir /path/to/projects/ \
        --fah-data-dir /path/to/data/SVR314342810/ \
        --loglevel INFO \
        --nprocs 8
        compound-series.json \

Generate representative snapshots, plots, PDF report, and static site HTML in output directory:

fah-xchem --loglevel INFO \
        artifacts generate \
        --config-file config.json \
        --fragalysis-config fragalysis_config.json \
        --fah-projects-dir /path/to/projects/ \
        --fah-data-dir /path/to/data/SVR314342810/ \
        --website-base-url \
        --cache-dir results/cache/ \
        --nprocs 8 \
        /path/to/output-dir/analysis.json \

Unit conventions

Energies are represented in configuration and internally in units of k T, except when otherwise indicated. For energies in kilocalories per mole, the function or variable name should be suffixed with _kcal.


Compound series

The compound series is specified as JSON with schema given by the CompoundSeriesAnalysis model (see fah_xchem.schema.

Analysis configuration

Some analysis options can be configured in a separate JSON file with schema given by the AnalysisConfig model. For example,


    "min_num_work_values": 10,
    "max_binding_free_energy": 0

The JSON file is passed on the command line using the --config-file option.

Upload to Fragalysis

To upload sprint results to Fragalysis a JSON config file may be supplied. For example,


        "run": true,
        "ligands_filename": "reliable-transformations-final-ligands.sdf",
        "fragalysis_sdf_filename": "compound-set_foldingathome-sprint-X.sdf",
        "ref_url": "https://url-link",
        "ref_mols": "x00000",
        "ref_pdb": "",
        "target_name": "protein-target",
        "submitter_name": "Folding@home",
        "submitter_email": "",
        "submitter_institution": "institution-name",
        "method": "Sprint X",
        "upload_key": "upload-key",
        "new_upload": true 

The JSON file is passed on the command line using the --fragalysis-config option.

Description of the JSON parameters:

For more information on the upload format see this forum post.

A unique upload_key is needed to push to Fragalysis, this can be requested here.

For more information on the entire upload process see this forum post.

Server-specific configuration

Paths to Folding@home project and data directories are passed on the command line. See usage examples above.

Development setup


This project uses conda to manage the environment. To set up a conda environment named fah-xchem with the required dependencies, create the conda environment as described above. To install fah-xchem as dev run:

pip install -e .

Running tests locally



Code formatting with black is enforced via a CI check. To install black with conda, use

conda install black

Building documentation

cd docs
make html


Copyright (c) 2020, Chodera Lab


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.3.