choojs / hyperx

🏷 - tagged template string virtual dom builder
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Snabbdom Support #36

Open jessehattabaugh opened 7 years ago

jessehattabaugh commented 7 years ago

Snabbdom uses a hyper-script-like function to build it's vdoms, but it's second argument is different. Instead of attributes it's properties are used by various "modules";

h('div', {
  props: {title: someString}, // snabbdom/modules/props
  classes: {selected: isSelected}, // snabbdom/modules/class
  on: {click: doSomething}, // snabbdom/modules/eventlisteners
  style: {color: someColor} // snabbdom/modules/style
}, ['children'])

The snabbdom-jsx module handles this using prefixed attributes in JSX:

  style: {({color: someColor})}

Would it be feasible for hyperx to do this as well?

fiatjaf commented 7 years ago

You could create a wrapper around snabbdom's h and pass it to hyperx, so it could recognize prefixed attributes, or make intelligent choices.

jorgebucaran commented 7 years ago

Maybe this can help

niksy commented 7 years ago

Can this be supported inside hyperx, maybe through special option like concat? Using another module seems like unecessary overhead, and hyperx could be useful for render functions in Vue out od the box (Vue uses snabbdom as vdom library).

jorgebucaran commented 7 years ago

@niksy How should hyperx deal with snabbdom unique idioms, like hooks?

jamen commented 7 years ago

Ohh, interesting I've found this after creating a module.

I made snabby which is more like yo-yo.

@jbucaran for handling hooks inside this module, I plan to use a snabby.hooks function, e.g.:

snabby.hook(vnode, { ...handles })
// Or
snabby.hook(vnode, handle, fn)

Although I haven't implemented this yet, or on that note, even written tests for anything... It is pretty experimental

Looking for people to collaborate on it, if anyone is interested.

jorgebucaran commented 7 years ago

@jamen Here is what I ended up with. Essentially:

} else if ("data-hook-" === key.substr(0, 10)) {
    data.hook[key.substr(10)] = value

Good luck with Snabby!

jamen commented 7 years ago

@jbucaran That structure you've got makes sense after I've experimented more. I'm probably going to have to do something similar. So let me know if you want me to add you as collaborator on Snabby.

jamen commented 7 years ago

An update on this, I've made snabby support hooks and various other modules, by using an s-* prefix (similar to v-* in vue).


  <div s-hook:destroy=${fn}>

// Using `eventlisteners`:
  <div s-on:click=${...}>

Open to suggestion on how to make this look more nice.