choojs / hyperx

🏷 - tagged template string virtual dom builder
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.01k stars 48 forks source link
dom html template-strings virtual-dom



tagged template string virtual dom builder

This module is similar to JSX, but provided as a standards-compliant ES6 tagged template string function.

hyperx works with virtual-dom, react, hyperscript, or any DOM builder with a hyperscript-style API: h(tagName, attrs, children).

You might also want to check out the hyperxify browserify transform to statically compile hyperx into javascript expressions to save sending the hyperx parser down the wire.


Template strings are available in: node 4+, chrome 41, firefox 34, edge, opera 28, safari 9

If you're targeting these platforms, there's no need to use a transpiler!


virtual-dom node example

var vdom = require('virtual-dom')
var hyperx = require('hyperx')
var hx = hyperx(vdom.h)

var title = 'world'
var wow = [1,2,3]
var tree = hx`<div>
  <h1 y="ab${1+2}cd">hello ${title}!</h1>
  ${ (w, i) {
    return hx`<b>${w}</b>\n`


$ node vdom.js
  <h1 y="ab3cd">hello world!</h1>

react node example

var React = require('react')
var toString = require('react-dom/server').renderToString
var hyperx = require('hyperx')
var hx = hyperx(function createElement (component, properties, children) {
  // Pass children as separate arguments to avoid key warnings
  return React.createElement.apply(null, [component, properties].concat(children))
}, {
  createFragment: function createFragment (children) {
    return React.createElement.apply(null, [React.Fragment, {}].concat(children))

var title = 'world'
var wow = [1,2,3]
var frag = hx`
  <tr> <td>row1</td> </tr>
  <tr> <td>row2</td> </tr>
var tree = hx`<div>
  <h1 y="ab${1+2}cd">hello ${title}!</h1>
  ${ (w, i) {
    return hx`<b>${w}</b>\n`


hyperscript node example

var h = require('hyperscript')
var hyperx = require('hyperx')
var hx = hyperx(h)

var title = 'world'
var wow = [1,2,3]
var tree = hx`<div>
  <h1 data-y="ab${1+2}cd">hello ${title}!</h1>
  ${ (w) {
    return hx`<b>${w}</b>\n`

virtual-dom/main-loop browser example

var vdom = require('virtual-dom')
var hyperx = require('hyperx')
var hx = hyperx(vdom.h)

var main = require('main-loop')
var loop = main({ times: 0 }, render, vdom)

function render (state) {
  return hx`<div>
    <h1>clicked ${state.times} times</h1>
    <button onclick=${onclick}>click me!</button>

  function onclick () {
    loop.update({ times: state.times + 1 })

react browser example

var React = require('react')
var render = require('react-dom').render
var hyperx = require('hyperx')
var hx = hyperx(React.createElement)

var App = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () { return { n: 0 } },
  render: function () {
    return hx`<div>
      <h1>clicked ${this.state.n} times</h1>
      <button onClick=${this.handleClick}>click me!</button>
  handleClick: function () {
    this.setState({ n: this.state.n + 1 })
render(React.createElement(App), document.querySelector('#content'))

console.log example

var hyperx = require('hyperx')

var convertTaggedTemplateOutputToDomBuilder = hyperx(function (tagName, attrs, children) {
  console.log(tagName, attrs, children)

convertTaggedTemplateOutputToDomBuilder`<h1>hello world</h1>`

// Running this produces: h1 {} [ 'hello world' ]


var hyperx = require('hyperx')

var hx = hyperx(h, opts={})

Return a tagged template function hx from a hyperscript-style factory function h.

Values to use for h:

Optionally provide:

prior art




npm install hyperx