A web based photo gallery powered by Postgres and Spring.
See http://www.chotchki.us/pggallery and the milestone list here
Setup an installation of PostgreSQL 9.1
Create a database superuser, for example "pgGallery-admin"
Create the actual database.
Check out the code from GitHub
Edit the Jetty config in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml file.
Ensure you have GraphicsMagick installed. The installer will not complete without it.
Ensure you have Maven installed.
Start the site.
We are on Google Groups and the support address is pggallery@googlegroups.com.
Rights ANON - Can view public albums GALLERY_READONLY - Can view private albums GALLERY_COMMENT - Can comment on albums GALLERY_EDIT - Can add/delete/modify photos/albums
USER_REGISTERED - Just signed up, cannot do anything
USER_NORMAL - Entry level
USER_ADMIN - Can edit other users