chr4 / enyaq_exporter

Prometheus exporter for Skoda vehicles
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Prometheus exporter for Skoda vehicles

This Prometheus exporter connects to Skoda cloud services to receive vehicle metrics.


It's currently retrieving the following values:

It should work with all Skoda EVs, but is mainly tested with the Skoda Enyaq.

All the heavy lifting is done by evcc libraries.

Explanation of vehicle status values

Below are the values of the ev_status-field and how they can be interpreted.

Value Plugged-in Charging Explanation
0 ? ? No status can be determined
1 N N Car is not plugged-in
2 Y N Car plugged-in but the vehicle is not charging
3 Y Y Car plugged-in and is charging
4 Y Y Car plugged-in and charging, but with external ventilation request (for lead-acid batteries)
5 Y N Car plugged-in, but not charging due to error: cable error (CP short circuit, 0V)
6 Y N Car plugged-in, but not charging. Simulate EVSE or unplugging error (CP wake-up, -12V)