chrberndt / liferay-todo-list

A ToDo list application meant to explore, test and demonstrate the development of Liferay custom modules.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 4 forks source link

Travis Build status


A ToDo list application meant to explore, test and demonstrate the development of Liferay custom modules.


  1. Download and install blade
  2. Create a new Liferay workspace with blade init
  3. Change working directory to $LIFERAY_WORKSPACE/modules
  4. Clone liferay-todo-list sources with git clone

How To Build

# Set the "liferay.workspace.product" to set the
# "app.server.tomcat.version", "liferay.workspace.bundle.url",
# "liferay.workspace.docker.image.liferay", and
# "" that matches your Liferay
# Product Version. To override each of these settings, set them
# individually.

#liferay.workspace.product = portal-7.3-ga7

How To Deploy


How To Test

Integration Tests

  1. Change working directory to liferay-todo-list application: cd $LIFERAY_WORKSPACE
  2. Run integration tests with ./gradlew buildService initBundle modules:liferay-todo-list:liferay-todo-list-test:testIntegration
  3. Open test reports with firefox modules/liferay-todo-list/liferay-todo-list-test/build/reports/tests/testIntegration/index.html &


  1. Change working directory to liferay-todo-list application: cd $LIFERAY_WORKSPACE/modules/liferay-todo-list
  2. Start local sonarqube server: docker-compose up (This will download and start a sonarqube server which can be accessed at http://localhost:9000)
  3. Change working directory to $LIFERAY_WORKSPACE and run the sonarqube task: cd $LIFERAY_WORKSPACE; ./gradlew modules:liferay-todo-list:sonarqube
  4. Review test results at http://localhost:9000
