JsonObject for DART (http://www.dartlang.org)
Version 1.0.19
Usage: Add to pubspec.yaml:
json_object: any
Now M7 (Dart Beta) compatible.
All tests passing with SDK
See Changelog.
You can use JsonObject in two different ways.
Read the article about using this on the dartlang website: http://www.dartlang.org/articles/json-web-service/
JsonObject takes a json string representation, and uses the dart:json
library to parse
it back into a map. JsonObject then takes the parsed output,
and converts any maps (recursively) into
JsonObjects, which allow use of dot notation for property access
(via noSuchMethod
// create from existing JSON
var person = new JsonObject.fromJsonString('{"name":"Chris"}');
person.name = "Chris B";
person.namz = "Bob"; //throws an exception, as it wasn't in the original json
//good for catching typos
person.isExtendable = true;
person.namz = "Bob" //this is allowed now
String jsonString = JSON.encode(person); // convert back to JSON
It implements Map, so you can convert it back to Json using JSON.encode():
// starting from an empty map
var animal = new JsonObject();
animal.legs = 4; // equivalent to animal["legs"] = 4;
animal.name = "Fido"; // equivalent to animal["name"] = "Fido";
String jsonString = JSON.encode(animal); // convert to JSON
Take a look at the unit tests to get an idea of how you can use it.
(Requires use of a the experimental mirrors
Use objectToJson(myObj)
to return a future containing the serialized string.
Example: import 'package:json_object/json_object.dart';
class Other {
String name = "My Name";
class Basic {
String myString = "foo";
int myInt = 42;
Other name = new Other();
main() {
var basic = new Basic();
objectToJson(basic).then((jsonStr) => print(jsonStr));
Many of the unit tests are based around specific questions from users, either here or on stack overflow.