chrisdenman /

Functional Testing
The Unlicense
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This project provides functional testing for the Learn You A Haskell for Great Good GitHub project, which is an open-source fork of the most excellent Learn You a Haskell for Great Good by Miran Lipovača.


A typical configuration file for executing the tests is as follows:

  "id": "production",                                 πŸ”΅ An identifier for this configuration. 
  "github": {                                         🟣 Git Hub configuration... 
    "owner": "learnyouahaskell",                      πŸ”΅ The owner of the repository to test. 
    "repository": "",       πŸ”΅ The repository to test. 
    "branch": "main",                                 πŸ”΅ The branch to test.
    "html_content_root": "docs",                      πŸ”΅ The relative repository path from which to serve content,
    "working_directory": "/home/me/working"           πŸ”΅ Optional path in which to clone owner/repository directories 
                                                      πŸ”΅   into. If supplied, this directory must not be located in any
                                                      πŸ”΅   git repositories. If not supplied, a temporary folder will be  
                                                      πŸ”΅   created and used.  
  "tests": {                                    
    "relative_page_urls": [                           🟣 A list of relative URL strings to screen-shot...
    "screenshots": {                                  🟣 Screenshot configuration... 
                                                      πŸ”΅ A string interpolation template screenshot filenames.
                                                      πŸ”΅   Path segments are separated with '/' which are replaced with  
                                                      πŸ”΅   their platform dependent equivalents at run-time.
                                                      πŸ”΅ See later on for a full list of permitted tokens.
      "output_file_template": "{{user.dir}}/screenshots/{{github.owner}}-{{github.repository}}-{{github.branch}}/{{github.sha}}/{{}}/{{}}-{{browser.version}}/{{browser.width}}x{{browser.height}}/{{relative_page_url}}_{{tile.index}}.{{screenshots.image_format}}",
                                                      πŸ”΅ A Java DateTimeFormatter pattern for formatting the   
                                                      πŸ”΅   'start_time_utc' property value.  
      "maximum_height_pixels": 2048,                  πŸ”΅ The maximum height of a screenshot in pixels. 
                                                      πŸ”΅   Taller images are split into numbered tiles.
      "scroll_timeout_milliseconds": 100,             πŸ”΅ The maximum time to wait for Selenium to scroll the page under 
                                                      πŸ”΅   test.
      "image_format": "png"                           πŸ”΅ The screenshot output image format.
    "browsers": {                                     
      "targets": [                                    πŸ”΅ An array of browser name specifications. 
                                                      πŸ”΅   Only: 'chrome', 'edge' & 'firefox' are permitted.
        {"name": "chrome"},                           
        {"name": "firefox"}                           
      "dimensions": [                                 🟣 A JSON array of browser window dimensions...
          "width": 860,                               πŸ”΅ Desired browser width in pixels.
          "height": 800                               πŸ”΅ Desired browser height in pixels.
    "remote_web_driver": {                            🟣 Selenium configuration...
      "scheme": "http",                               πŸ”΅ The URL scheme. Only 'http' currently permitted.
      "bind_address": "",                      πŸ”΅ The IP address or host to bind to.
      "port": 4444                                    πŸ”΅ The port number on which to expose Selenium.
  "serving": {                                        🟣 HTTP server configuration... 
    "port": 8888,                                     πŸ”΅ HTTP port number. 
    "tls": {                                          🟣 TLS configuration for HTTPS.
      "keystore_filename": "lyah.jks",                πŸ”΅ Location of the JVM keystore.
      "port": 8443                                    πŸ”΅ HTTPs port number.

Tokens and their substitutions in output_file_template

The following tokens and their corresponding replacements, are listed below:

Token Substitution
{{id}} The configured id value.
{{github.owner}} The configured github.owner value.
{{github.repository}} The configured github.repository value.
{{github.branch}} The configured github.branch value.
{{github.sha}} The generated github.sha value which is the branch under test's git SHA.
{{github.html_content_root}} The configured github.html_content_root value.
{{screenshots.maximum_height_pixels}} The maximum height of a screenshot in pixels. Taller images are automatically split into tiles.
{{screenshots.image_format}} The configured screenshots.image_format value.
{{relative_page_url}} The current test's configured, relative_page_url value.
{{}} The configured value.
{{browser.version}} The current test's browser version as reported by Selenium.
{{browser.x}} The current test's browser x-coordinate position as reported by Selenium.
{{browser.y}} The current test's browser y-coordinate position as reported by Selenium.
{{browser.width}} The configured browser's width value.
{{browser.height}} The configured browser's height value.
{{start_time_utc}} The start time of the screenshot tests in UTC and formatted using dateTime_formatter_pattern
{{tile.index}} The current screenshot's tile index number (0-based). Always defined.
{{}} The platform's name as reported by Selenium.
{{platform.major_version}} The platform's major version number as reported by Selenium.
{{platform.minor_version}} The platform's minor version number as reported by Selenium.

All Java System Properties and Java Environment Variables are also available.


  1. Token substitution is performed initially.
  2. Then all forward-slash characters '/' are replaced by their platform-dependant equivalents.

System Requirements

Although the JVM/Gradle applications may be run using any system with a suitable Java installation. The supporting scripts are written in Bash and likely require an up-to-date Linux based system.

The Bash scripts check their own dependency requirements.

SDKMAN! initialization files .sdkmanrc files are included for convenience.



The Selenium tests (including the screenshotting) are executed by invoking the test script in the repository's root directory passing the path to the configuration file as the sole argument's value.

More information can be found within the test script itself, but as an example:

./test $(pwd)/config/learnyouahaskell/main.json

Comparing Output Images

The intention of the screenshot functionality is twofold:

  1. To provide quick comfort that has not suffered any drastic regression.
  2. To provide an easy means of comparing page presentation across different browsers spanning code and content changes.

The included script comp may be used to compare screenshot output sets. This is useful when comparing screenshots from a known good branch with those of another.

The comp script compares two directories of images to firstly, ensure they contain identically named files, and subsequently compares the images using ImageMagick signature functionality to ensure they are indeed invariant.

When two identically named images are found to differ, ImageMagick is utilized once again to produce a flicker diagram which helps greatly in highlighting differences between two presumed identical images.

A typical invocation of the comp script would look something like:

./comp \
  screenshots/branch1/firefox/1024x800 \      # πŸ”΅ Images path 1
  screenshots/branch2/firefox/1024x800 \      # πŸ”΅ Images path 2
  "png" \                                     # πŸ”΅ Input image file extension (case insensitive)
  out/firefox/1024x800                        # 🟒 Output directory 

More information can be found within the comp script itself.


Please read the guide to get involved.



OS Java Gradle(w) Selenium Server SDKMAN! (script) SDKMAN! (native) Kotlin Bash ImageMagick
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS 21.0.2-graalce 8.10 4.25.0 5.18.2 0.4.6 2.0.20 5.2.21(1)-release 6.9.12-98 Q16 x86_64 18038

Code of Conduct

Please read our code of conduct


The Unlicense