chrisemerson /

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hacktoberfest Planning Poker


The front end, contained in frontend/ is a Svelte JS app that is hosted on S3 via Cloudfront. You can use the following commands to aid development:

$ npm install - install dependencies

$ npm run dev - run a develpoment server at http://localhost:5000

$ npm run build - build the application for production


The lambda functions are contained in lambdas/, each being handled by the index.js file and handler function within each lambda directory. These are then mapped to websocket API actions via the lambda_route_mapping local in the terraform/ file.


All contained within terraform/. Terraform is also used to handle deployments, reading code from the lambdas/ and frontend/public/ directories and uploading them to AWS Lambda and AWS S3 respectively.

Both zip and jq must be available on the environment that terraform is run in, as well as support for running bash files.