chrisetheridge / snake

S3 access from Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
2 stars 4 forks source link
amazon aws clojure s3 storage


Clojars Project

A simple library to access Amazon S3 from Clojure.


snake allows you to access Amazon S3 buckets in Clojure code. This allows you to do the following, from a Clojure namespace:


First, add snake to your project.clj:

[snake "0.7.3"]

snake, by default, tries to use the instance profiles set in ~/.aws/credentials. However, if you have setup snake already with snake/setup!, then snake will use these details instead.

You can read more about instance profiles here.

Copying files

Copy one object from a source bucket to a destination bucket. By default, if a second bucket is not given, then snake will just copy to the source bucket.

(snake/copy src-bucket src-key dest-bucket dest-key)

Uploading files

Upload a file to a bucket (basic way). snake will infer the content type of the file, when using the basic way of uploading files.

(snake/upload! bucket filename file)

upload! calls put-object, which is also public.

(snake/put-object bucket key file)

To specify the content type of the file:

(snake/put-object-with-content-type bucket filename content-type file)

If you would like to get the content type of the file, you can do the following.

(snake/filename->content-type filename)


Listing objects.

(snake/list-objects bucket {:prefix "foo" :delimeter "foo-bar/"})

Return a unique name for a filename.

(snake/unique-key filename)

Get the URL for a bucket and filename.

(snake/url-for-bucket-and-key bucket file)


Take a look at the LICENSE file in the root of this repository.