chrisglein / artificial-chat

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Artifical Chat is an app to explore the wonders of conversational AI using React Native for Windows to build the user experience. The goal is to handle not just plain text but rich markdown documents, code, and faciliate image generation as well.



  1. Install all dependencies per RNW Dependencies
  2. yarn

Build & Run

  1. yarn windows

User Interface

Chat entry

Type in natural language prompts to this field. Press Enter or the "Submit" button to get a response. The 💣 button clears the chat history. image

Settings dialog

To get responses from OpenAI, you will need to provide an API Key in this dialog. It's available by pressing the ⚙️ button on the chat entry pane.


Text Response

Your prompts will be responded to via chat completion.


Image Response

If your prompt is determined to have primary intent to see an image, instead you will get a response from image generation.


Rich Code Blocks

In your text response, if there are markdown code blocks, those will get syntax highlighting and other code niceties.


Feedback dialog

There is a feedback dialog on each AI response. This is not yet implemented.



Pressing this button will result in a new OpenAI query for the previous response.



The chat is driven by a list of ChatElement objects called entries. Each element contains the source type (Human or Ai), the prompt string that will drive the eventual content, a content type (Text, Error, or Image), the text that describes that content, and id for later lookup. Optionally there's also a JSX element content for use by chat scripts that may have custom controls. When the OpenAi query completes it updates the ChatElement with the resolved text and contentType values. This readonly list of entries is available in a ChatHistoryContext. This enables the OpenAi query to pull in all older ChatElement entries (determined by id) to pass to the chat completion call.

Query Strategy

The OpenAi query is driven by a series of tasks.

  1. First determine the intent of the prompt to see if it's a request for an image or not (INTENT)
  2. If it is an image request, send a second prompt to build the DALL-E keyword query (KEYWORDS)
  3. Fetch the final result
    • If it is an image request, send the keywords over for image generation (IMAGE-ANSWER)
    • If it isn't an image request, send the original prompt (plus chat history) over for chat completion (TEXT-ANSWER)

App Services

The app's light/dark theming is handled by a StylesContext object that has theme-aware styles. The app's settings are handled by a SettingsContext object, which has dialog UI for modifying those settings.

Key Types

App Fundamentals

File Type Information
About.tsx AboutPopup Popup for basic app information
App.tsx App Root of the app, publishes the StylesContext and SettingsContext. Hosts the SettingsPopup and AboutPopup.
ChatSession.tsx ChatSession Owns the ChatElement list, publishes the ChatHistoryContext, and handles any writes to that list
ChatSession.tsx AutomatedChatSession Populates the ChatSession with either scripted responses or by creating components that query OpenAi
Chat.tsx Chat The scrolling list of chat entries. Publishes the FeedbackContext, and ChatScrollContext services. Hosts a ChatEntry for the user input. Hosts the FeedbackPopup.
Chat.tsx ChatEntry Takes in the user's text input
Feedback.tsx FeedbackPopup Popup for giving feedback on AI responses
Popups.tsx PopupsContext Coordinates popup visibility
Settings.tsx SettingsPopup Popup that shows controls for modifying the SettingsContext and loads persistant values from app storage
Styles.tsx StylesContext StyleSheet that is light/dark mode aware

AI Query & Response

File Type Information
AiFake.tsx AiSectionWithFakeResponse Component that simulates the visuals of a slow query, used for fake scripted responses
AiQuery.tsx AiSectionWithQuery Primary driver of the OpenAi queries to turn a prompt into a text response
AiResponse.tsx AiImageResponse Shows an image with controls for going back to a text query or getting variants
AiResponse.tsx AiTextResponse Handles parsing text input into multiple sub-components (e.g. code blocks intermixed with plain text)
AiResponse.tsx AiSection Component for displaying a received response, adding buttons for feedback
AiResponse.tsx AiSectionContent Based on a ChatElement's content type, shows the right child component
ChatScript.tsx handleAIResponse Based on a hardcoded script, produces fake responses
HumanQuery.tsx HumanSection Component for displaying a posted text query, adding buttons for edit and copy
OpenAi.tsx CallOpenAi Handles posting a call to OpenAi and parsing the result

Helper Controls

File Type Information
Controls.tsx HoverButton Button that changes style on mouse over
Controls.tsx Attribution Visual indicator for the provider of a skill
Controls.tsx ConsentSwitch Toggle for the user to enable/disable sharing information to a skill
Controls.tsx ImageSelection Image choice from a multi-image generation query
Controls.tsx Hyperlink Text that when clicked navigates to a url
CodeBlock.tsx CodeBlock Displays code with syntax highlighting and copy support
