chrisgoringe / Styles-Editor

Simple editor for styles in Automatic1111
Apache License 2.0
84 stars 6 forks source link

Style Editor

Note that due to me moving across to ComfyUI this repository is no longer being maintained

An extension for Automatic1111 to add a Style Editor, which allows you to view and edit saved styles in a spreadsheet-like format.

See also:


In Automatic1111 you can add this extension through the extensions index.

Alternatively, paste the url into the manual install URL box.

Or clone the repository into your extensions folder.


This extension requires gradio 3.30 or above. Automatic1111 moved to this on May 19th 2023, so if you have updated since then you'll be fine.

If you get an error AttributeError: 'Dataframe' object has no attribute 'input', then you are probably still running gradio 3.29. Check before raising an issue!

Basic Usage

Edit styles

Double-click in any of the boxes to get an edit cursor within the box.

Search and replace

Enter a search term and a replace term and press the button...

Cut, copy, paste

Click on a cell to select it, then use Ctrl-X, C and V.

Delete styles

Right-click on a style to select that row. Then hit backspace or delete. You can select multiple rows by ctrl-clicking.

Add styles

Use the New row button, and then edit the boxes as you need. Or select a row and press D to duplicate it. Note that if you have a filter applied the new row probably won't appear because it is empty, so best not to do that.

Duplicate style names

The editor will not allow styles to have the same name, so one or more 'x's will be appended to any duplicates.

Save styles

Styles are saved automatically.

Filter view

Type into the filter text box to only show rows matching the text string. Matches from any of the columns. Filter can be set to Exact match, case insensitive, or regex. If filtering by regex, if an invalid regex is entered it will be highlighted in red.


The sort column is automatically generated whenever you save or load. If you select autosort (under Advanced) the table will automatically sort whenever you change any sort value (as long as every sort value is numeric).


You can put whatever you want in the notes column.


Check the Use encryption box and all (subsequent) backups will be encrypted using the key you specify. Encryption is done using pyAesCrypt.


The master style file is backed up every ten minutes (if changes have been made), with the most recent 24 backups retained. Backups are stored in extensions/Styles-Editor/backups.

To restore a backup, drag and drop the backup style file into the restore from backup box, or select one of the backups from the dropdown (the names are date_time in format YYMMDD_HHMM). If it is encrypted (.aes) then the encryption key in the Encryption section is used to decrypt.

To download a backup, select it from the dropdown then click the download link that appears in the upload/download box.


Thanks to those who've starred this - knowing people value the extension makes it worth working on.