chrisgrieser / gitfred

Helpful GitHub Assistant for Alfred.
MIT License
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alfred-workflow github-client github-search


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Helpful GitHub Assistant for Alfred.

Showcase owned repo search Showcase public repo search Showcase issue search


[!NOTE] To be as lightweight as possible, this workflow only requires a GitHub token when needed, that is for accessing notifications. The GitHub cli gh is also only needed when cloned repos should also automatically be forked.


This workflow requires Alfred 5.5.

➡️ Download the latest release.

The workflow auto-updates via Alfred's workflow-update mechanism.


In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

<img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at' />