chrisguitarguy / Front-End-Accounts

Account-related forms on the front end of your WordPress website.
MIT License
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Frontend Accounts

Frontend Accounts brings login, register, forgot password, reset password and account edit screen to the front end of your WordPress website.

In other words, you can build membership-based sites without needing to send users to wp-login.php or your admin area.

Additionally, the plugin also introduces a new role with limited capabilities called "Unprivleged User." Users with this role can't access the admin area.


Theme Integration

Unlike many plugins, this is not a drop in solution. It takes some work on your part to get the front end working. There are some examples in the themes directory, which get registred as a new theme directory via register_theme_directory.

Essentially, you'll need to create an account.php file in your theme's (or child theme's) folder. This file should be just like any other template, except you'll replace the loop with a call to the_account.

 * Template for Account Pages

!defined('ABSPATH') && exit;


<div class="row">

    <div class="span8">
        <?php the_account(); /* where the magic happens */ ?>

    <?php get_sidebar('account'); ?>



Modifying Sections

Front end accounts uses a set of PHP classes to automate form creation, display and validation. Every built in account section provides a way to alter forms via an action called frontend_accounts_alter_{section}_form, like frontend_accounts_alter_account_form.

The Form api is simple: the action will recieve a Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Form\FormInterface object with provides the methods addField and removeField which work much as you'd expect.

Don't want your users to be able to edit their account description?

add_action('frontend_accounts_alter_account_form', function($form) {

Want to add a field for phone number?

use Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Form;

add_action('frontend_accounts_alter_account_form', function($form) {
    $form->addField('phone_number', array(
        'type'          => 'text', // this is the default
        'validators'    => array(
            // make sure the field is not empty
            new Form\Validator\NotEmpty(__('Please enter a phone number', 'your_texdomain')),
        'required'      => true, // HTML5, client side validation

And, of course you'll need to save it.

    function($user, $formdata, $account_obj) {
        // this fires AFTER wp_update_user tries to save the user

        // $user is the WP_User object

        // $formdata is the validated data from the form

        // $account_obj is the that called do_action, it provides some
        // helpful methods: addError and removeError for showing errors
        // to users.

        // remember the validator above? phone_number should always be set.
        if (isset($formdata['phone_number'])) {
            update_user_meta($user->ID, 'yourprefix_phone_number', $formdata['phone_number']);
        } else {
            // show an error!
            $account_obj->addError('no_phone', __('Please provide a phone number.', 'your_textdomain'));

Adding your Own Account Sections

Account page URL structure looks like this: /account/{action}/{additional}.

Where {action} determines which page to show (or none) based on a whitelist, and {additional} is an optional piece of URL uses for this like indicating success messages or for things like password reset keys.

NOTE: Frontend Accounts should work with non-pretty permalinks as well, but has not been thoroughly tested

For our example: we're going to add an imaginary page called favorites.

To add your own section, you need to "whitelist" it's {action} by hooking into frontend_accounts_registered_sections.

add_filter('frontend_accounts_registered_sections', function($sections) {
    $sections[] = 'favorites';
    return $sections;

NOTE: you probably want your section {action}'s to be URL friendly. Be sure to do that. Frontend accounts does not do it for you.

Once you whitelist the section, the plugin creates several subactions that provide you with more specific places to hook in and display your content:

We only really need frontend_accounts_content_favorites for our purposes here.

add_action('frontend_accounts_content_favorites', function() {
    // some the user's favorites here!

A Note on Templating

Remember when I said that you needed just an account.php file in your theme?

That's not 100% true. You do need at least that file. But Frontend Accounts will also look for more section-specific files. Our favorites example, for instance, would look for.

All the core sections do that same. Each template much include a call to the_account to make things happen, but you have the flexibility to change many things abount the styling/layout of each account page via different templates.

See the FAQ section below for a list of all core-provided sectons.

Replace Default Sections

Frontend Accounts uses the API above to provide the default sections. As such, you can remove entire sections and replace them with your own.

To see out that works, see the Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\SectionBase class along with its subclasses.

Everyone section class "cascades" down from a plugins loaded action, so you can turn off the entire thing easily. Or you can remove parts of it.

use Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Account;

add_action('plugins_loaded', function() {
    // remove the entire account edit section
    remove_action('plugins_loaded', array(Account::instance(), '_setup'));
}, 9); // somewhere before priority 10

// if you want to replace only parts, you'll need to hook in a bit later.
add_action('plugins_loaded', function() {
    // remove the cotent
    remove_action('frontend_accounts_content_edit', array(Account::instance(), 'content'));

    // remove the save callback
    remove_action('frontend_accounts_save_edit', array(Account::instance(), 'save'));

    // remove the init callback
    remove_action('frontend_accounts_save_init', array(Account::instance(), 'initSection'));
}, 11); // somewhere after priority 10


Will this be on

No. WordPress itself only requires PHP 5.2.4, and I don't really want to deal with a bunch of folks wondering why this plugin won't work for them because of that.

Can you add X feature?

Maybe. You should try adding it yourself, outside of the "core" of this plugin first, however. If it's difficult, let me know what would make it easier.

Right now this plugin is just about as big as it needs to be. It provides all the core "account" related functionality without much else.

What account sections does this plugin provide?


Action: login

Class: Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Login

Forgot Password

Action: forgot_password

Class: Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\ForgotPassword


Only turned on when registration is enabled.

Action: register

Class: Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Register

Reset Password

Where users go when they request a password on the forgot password page.

Action: reset_password

Class: Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\ResetPassword


Action: edit

Class: Chrisguitarguy\FrontEndAccounts\Account


MIT. See LICENSE for more information.