chrishuangcf / wiim-mini-ui

Web UI for WiiM Mini device
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 0 forks source link


A simple UPnP audio Control Point

The goal of this project is to build a Web Control Point to display "Now Playing", "Album Art" and provide basic control over the Media Renderers on the local network.

My initial intention was to build a lovely web app for my WiiM mini devices because I missed so much from volumio, logitech media server or roon. Hence, the project name was "WiiM mini UI". Since the web app does interact with all Media Renderers on your system. (As long as it supports proper UPnP. (Sorry for OpenHome users. I'll put that into my to-do list))

Song metata will support Local DLNA server, Spotify, Qobuz, iHeart Radio, tuneIn Radio, Deezer and Amazon Music. I am sorry I am currently not a subscriber of TIDAL.


Depends on if you are a developer or an end user. There are several ways to hit the ground running.

The system consists of two parts. A backend server (node.js) and an interactive web user interface (vuetify 3).

To be able to compile and run, you need to first install the following tools if you do not have them already.

  1. Node.js : please follow the installation here (
  2. Yarn : Please follow the installation here (

Once you have both Node.js and Yarn installed, then rest should be fairly straightforward. Next step is to run :

  1. yarn install

this command will install all necessary libraries for you from here.


As a developer, you might want to run both back-end and front-end service separately.  Ideally, you do not need to rebuild both projects at the same time so they won't interfere with one other.

Developer Mode

By running yarn ui dev will host a hot-swap version of web server to run the front-end code on localhost:3000. Meanwhile, running yarn server serve will kick in back-end server on localhost:8080.

Production Mode

If you wish just to build and run, You only need the following commands :

yarn ui build
yarn serve

These commands will first build the web app into a bundled, minified package. Then the script will copy the productionalized web app into the right place and start the back-end services and host it under the node.js as a static page. In this mode, you really only need to hit http://localhost:8080 to run the web app.

IMPORTRANT The web app had a hard coded "server" location inside of /web_client/constants/Constants.ts file. Please change SERVER_URL and SERVER_PORT accordingly.

Deployment Mode

If you wish to run this web app anywhere else, such as a mini Single Board Computer like a Raspberry Pi or even deploy as a docker container. All you have to do is to run the yarn ui build command first. After the building process has finished, you just have to copy /web_client/dist directory into a directory where you wish to run the service. For example! If your Node.js is running at /helloWorld folder, then you need to copy /web_client/dist into /HelloWorld/public. After that, just copy /wiim_server into /HelloWorld directory and run with node server.js (after you properly installed by running npm install).

  1. make a build by running `yarn ui build.
  2. copy /web_client/dist directory into /public directory.
  3. copy /wiim_server/server.js into / directory.
  4. run node server.js to start both back-end server and front-end web app.

How to set up on a Raspberry Pi

  1. Grant access through SSH terminal into your Raspberry Pi

  2. sudo apt-get update

  3. sudo apt-get upgrade

  4. sudo apt remove node (If you already had an older version installed)

  5. sudo apt remove nodejs (If you already had an older version installed)

  6. -fsSL | sudo -E bash - (This command will download latest node.js)

  7. sudo apt-get install -y nodejs (Install Node.js)

  8. node -v (check if node.js is properly installed)

  9. At your current computer, kick in a build by yarn ui build

  10. Copy /web_client/dist into Raspberry Pi to where you want your code to be hosted /public

  11. Copy server.js and package.json files in /wiim_server/ into your folder on the Raspberry Pi.

  12. Run npm install to install dependencies.

  13. Run hostname -I to find out your IP address on the Raspberry Pi.

  14. Run node server.js to run the Server + Web App.

  15. Run a browser to [Raspberry Pi IP Address] : [Running port number] You should be able to see the web app running.

how to make wiim_server service persist and automatically load when booting Raspberry Pi

  1. sudo npm install -g pm2 (install pm2)
  2. pm2 start server.js (starting wiim_server)
  1. pm2 startup systemd (generate a script that will launch PM2)
  2. copy the last line starts with sudo env PATH=$PATH/.... and paste into the terminal and run it
  3. pm2 save (save current state of PM2 with server.js running)
  4. you will be able to check anytime for the status by commands :

If you are haveing build issues, want to skip the whole building process

Reported by users, the building tools might not properly compile on Windows 11. Due to the tool set for building the project mainly used tools to run under Linux/OSX. There i s also a copy of production built web app already placed in the /wiim_server/public folder. You should be able to run just by using following commands :

  1. cd wiim_server
  2. npm install (run this to pull in all the dependencies for the server)
  3. node server.js (to run it)

How to use

You will then need to click on the SPEAKER icon to select a Media Renderer on your own network. You should be able to see the screen as follows. Keep in mind! You will need to select a Media Renderer first. Otherwise you won't be able to control playback/pause/next on it.

Alt text

When you click on the artist name (a pink button), that should bring up a card below the main player.

Alt text

The server location should host both the wiim_server and web app from the same server. However, occasionally during the development, you may have a web app and wiim_server running on different machines or different ports. You may click on the SETUP icon to change the IP address.

Alt text

Change Logs

TO-DO list

  1. During Developer Mode, Vue + Vuetify + Vite + TypeScript simply doesn't like to pull in icon assets properly. (Probably because both Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 were still in alpha?
  2. Possibility to support OpenHome protocol for controlling the renderer (currently it will display metadata but fast track to next track won't work as OpenHome system design was to have playlist saved on individual "client". Therefore, it's not possible to advance to next track becauser there was no "next track" available). This will affect all BubbleUPnP renderers such as Chromcast, Volumio.
  3. Local UPnP Media Server would be able to stream more than just CD/Hi-Res options. The options would be LOSSY, LOSSLESS..etc... The metadata is sometimes very limited.