IP2Location is a tool allowing user to get IP address information such as country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, mobile network, elevation, usage type by IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) from IP2Location BIN database.
For more details, please visit:
[ Unix/Linux ]
make install
Query an IP address and display the result
ip2location --datafile [IP2LOCATION BIN DATA PATH] --ip [IP ADDRESS]
Query all IP addresses from an input file and display the result
ip2location --datafile [IP2LOCATION BIN DATA PATH] --inputfile [INPUT FILE PATH]
Query all IP addresses from an input file and display the result in XML format
ip2location --datafile [IP2LOCATION BIN DATA PATH] --inputfile [INPUT FILE PATH] --format XML
Download More Sample Databases
wget http://www.ip2location.com/downloads/sample.bin.db24.zip
unzip samples-db24.zip
Email: support@ip2location.com
URL: http://www.ip2location.com