chrismbryant / amazon-confidence-interval

A browser extension which adds Bayesian visualizations to Amazon ratings.
MIT License
31 stars 4 forks source link


A browser extension which adds confidence intervals to Amazon ratings.


How To Build

First, make sure you have Node.js and either NPM or Yarn. Then install the dependencies.

npm install
yarn install

Right now, we are working on the Chrome extension. We welcome pull requests for other platforms!

To build the Chrome extension, simply run the build command. The extension will appear in dist/chrome.

npm run build:chrome
yarn run build:chrome

If you would like to automatically rebuild the extension each time files are modified, run the watch command.

npm run watch:chrome
yarn run watch:chrome

To build a production-ready extension (for end users), add --env.production to the build command.

npm run build:chrome --env.production
yarn run build:chrome --env.production