= fastr
Micro web framework for Ruby. Should be used with an EventMachine rack server.
== Guide
The guide is a work in progress, check it out here: http://chrismoos.com/fastr
You can help with the guide by forking this repository: http://github.com/chrismoos/fastr_doc
== API Documentation
You can see the latest API documentation here: http://rdoc.info/projects/chrismoos/fastr
== Getting Started
$ sudo gem install fastr $ fastr init helloworld $ cd helloworld $ thin -p 5000 start
== Directory Structure
The directory structure is similar to rails:
== Routes
The routes are configured in app/config/routes.rb
router.draw do |route| route.for '/:controller/:action'
# route.for '/test', :to => 'home#index'
# route.for '/users/:id', :to => 'users#create', :methods => [:post]
By default a route will match against all HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc,.).
== Settings
Various settings can be configured in app/config/settings.rb
config.log_level = Logger::DEBUG config.cache_templates = true config.plugins << MyPluginModule
== Controller
class HomeController < Fastr::Controller def index render(:text, "Hello, world!") end end
= Request/Response Information
== Headers
You can set response headers by accessing the attribute headers:
self.headers['My-Header'] = 'value'
== Cookies
You can read cookies by accessing the attribute cookies:
puts self.cookies['MY_SESS_COOKIE']
Set cookie:
set_cookie("sess", myuniquekey, {:expires => Time.now + 3600})
== Return a view in a controller
The return for a controller is just a rack response, i.e [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, "Hello, World!"]
You can also use the following render methods:
render(:text, "My text")
Fastr currently has support for HAML and eRuby templates. Any instance variables in your controller are available in the template. The correct template engine will be chosen based on the file extension. By default no template engines will be loaded, you need to explicitly require the engine(s) you will be using in your init.rb file (below the require 'fastr' line):
require 'fastr' require 'fastr/template/erubis' require 'fastr/template/haml'
Some rendering examples:
render(:template, "users/index.haml") # this path is relative to your app/views/ folder render(:template, "users/index.html.erb") # this path is relative to your app/views/ folder
You can also specify a hash of data that will be available in the @vars instance variable from your template:
render(:template, "users/index.html.erb", {:vars => {:greeting => "Aloha!"}})
This is particularly useful when you render a partial:
render(:partial, "users/_greeting.html.erb", {:vars => {:message => "Welcome!"}})
It's also possible to specify a response code and headers:
render(:template, "users/index.html.erb", {:vars => {:greeting => "Aloha!"}, :response_code => 200, :headers => "Content-Type" => "text/html"})
render(:json, {:status => "ok", :message => "done"})
== Async Responses
You should never block EventMachine. If you're doing any kind of I/O in your controller action you need to render your response asynchronously:
class DemoController < Fastr::Controller def fast_index EM.add_timer(1) do async_resp { render(:text, "fast_index\n") } end render_async end
def slow_index
render(:text, "slow_index\n")
Here's the difference:
$ ab -n 10 -c 10 "" Concurrency Level: 10 Time taken for tests: 1.010 seconds Requests per second: 9.90 [#/sec] (mean)
$ ab -n 10 -c 10 "" Concurrency Level: 10 Time taken for tests: 10.011 seconds Requests per second: 1.00 [#/sec] (mean)
If all your actions in a controller are async you can use an after_filter to make things cleaner:
class DemoController < Fastr::Controller after_filter :render_async
def index
EM.add_timer(1) do
async_resp { render(:text, "fast_index\n") }
== Deferred Responses
fastr also lets you return a deferred response. This is useful if you want to chunk the response back to the client, or have a long running operation that you want to perform without blocking EventMachine.
The following is an example of a deferred response. It executes a sleep which normally would block EventMachine, but by using response.task, we tell EventMachine to run this code in its internal thread pool and when finished the callback is executed.
The following is an example of a controller action.
def long_running_task defer_response(200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}) do |response| puts "in our deferred response...now we can do cool stuff!" response.send_data("hey\n")
long_task = proc {
log.debug "Sleeping for 5 seconds...but this won't block other requests"
log.debug "Finished sleeping, returning response to client."
return "finished"
callback = proc { |result|
log.debug "Callback result: #{result}"
# This is used to get a callback when the request's connection is closed
response.closed do
puts "Connection closed."
response.task(long_task, callback)
== AsyncRecord (experimental database support)
One of the greatest things about running on an event-based server is that you can get accelerated performance in database access.
Usually there is a lot of time spent blocking for a database query to return. In Fastr, using AsyncRecord, your queries don't block the request. You will receive a callback once the query has completed. This has major performance implications.
NOTE: Even though your connections are non-blocking to the database server, the database server is still blocking when accessing IO (disk/memory).
To use AsyncRecord, do the following:
Setup your init.rb file:
require 'async_record' conn = AsyncRecord::Connection::MySQL.new(:host => "", :port => 3306, :user => "root", :database => "database") conn.connect AsyncRecord::Base.set_connection(conn)
Define a model (app/models/user.rb):
class User < AsyncRecord::Base set_table_name "users" end
=== Controller
In your controller, try the following (remember to put the following in a deferred response):
=== Get all the rows in the table:
User.all(:limit => 256) do |users| users.each do |user| response.send_data("#{user.username}\n") end response.succeed end
=== Find a row by ID
User.find(1) do |user| if user.nil? response.send_data("User not found") else response.send_data("User: #{user.username}\n") end response.succeed end
=== Get the count of rows in the table
User.count do |count| response.send_data("Count: #{count}") response.succeed end
=== Run a custom query
User.query("select username from users") do |results| response.send_data("Results: #{results.inspect}") response.succeed end
WARNING: AsyncRecord is under heavy development, but its pretty cool :).
== Plugins
=== Available plugins
=== Loading manually
To explicitly load a plugin that doesn't exist in your custom/plugins directory, you can do the following in your settings.rb file:
config.plugins << MyPluginModule
=== Loading from custom directory
Fastr searches the custom/plugins directory in your application's root directory for loading plugins.
Example structure:
When a plugin is found, the plugin.rb file is loaded. It should contain a module that matches the name of your plugin, ending with the word plugin.
Directory: my_test
Module name: MyTestPlugin
Here is an example plugin and what is currently supported:
module MyTestPlugin def self.after_boot(app) puts "booted: #{app}" end
def self.before_dispatch(app, env)
def self.after_dispatch(app, env, response)
== Filters
You can add before and after filters to your controller. The filters are executed before an action is called, and after.
=== Before Filters
before_filter :my_before_filter_noop, :my_before_filter_halt
def my_before_filter_noop filter_continue # use this if you want the filter chain to continue end
def my_before_filter_halt [200, {}, ["STOP HERE AND RETURN"]] # Return a rack response if you want the chain to halt end
=== After Filters
after_filter :my_after_filter
def my_after_filter(response)
# response is just a rack response, i.e [200, {}, "Hello, Filter!"]
# This filter adds a custom header
code, headers, body = *response
headers['My-Custom-Header'] = 'vall'
[code, headers, body]
== Static Files
Anything stored in the public folder in your project's root directory will be served as a static file. This directory is checked before the routes. The mime type is set based on the file's extension.
== Change Log
== Current Status
Right now just the base is done. The controller supports a very basic render method.
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Moos. See LICENSE for details.