= Styles 'n Scripts Extension
The Styles 'n Scripts extension was an extension requested by John Long as a means of separating javascripts & stylesheets from other site content stored in pages.
== CONTENTS In this README you'll find:
== USAGE Using this extension is rather painless. If you can use the rest of Radiant, using these additions should feel obvious. There are a couple of things to take note of, however.
The CSS and JS tabs are where you create, edit, and delete stylesheets and javascripts. But you need Administrator or Developer permissions to see these tabs.
If you want to reference or otherwise use your script or stylesheet in one
of your pages, there are
If you really want to get fancy with your CSS and JS files, you can also use
the corresponding
There are 4 settings that can be changed via Rake "config" task (see Rake -T for usage):
That's it. Everything else is either too obvious to bother with here or automagical and/or too top secret to disclose ;-).
== WHY CHANGE THINGS? As John sees it, the pages tab is for storing your main content. (Think of the tree view as the list of available destinations for your users. Sure, they need stylesheets and javascripts, but those are supporting files -- much like images -- that augment your pages).
There are a number of interesting benefits gained by this approach:
CSS and JS files now get designer-level permissions -- not user-level.
These files are now cached differently. Rather than the 5-minute expiration on pages, these files can now report to the browser the true LAST-MODIFIED date so we don't have to serve up these files constantly. We can put the user's browser caching to work.
This properly separates the concerns of Pages and Text Assets. (I mean, do javascripts really need a layout or stylesheets a breadcrumb?). Easier to understand for the user and easier to develop for.
Allows extensions to better interact with pages. For example, a search extension can now safely parse all the pages without search terms like: "background" returning all your stylesheets.
Declutter the pages tree view so that it only shows what your clients care about -- the things they'd aim their browser at (see John's point above).
This opens the door for validation, minification and obfuscation of scripts and stylesheets (I'm thinking that these features belong in their own extension(s) but they're much easier to build now that CSS and JS distinct objects).
Copy this extension into your existing Radiant project (place it at: [your project location]/vendor/extensions/sns
Incorporate the database migrations into your existing database using: rake db:migrate:extensions
Or, if you prefer to be more specific to this extension: rake radiant:extensions:styles_n_scripts:migrate
Copy the needed images into Radiant's /public/images directory using: rake radiant:extensions:styles_n_scripts:update
(Optional) Configure your stylesheet and javascript directories. By default The Styles 'n Scripts serves your stylesheets and javascripts out of the /css and /js folders respectively. You can change these locations via the "config" rake task: rake radiant:extensions:styles_n_scripts:config
(Optional) Configure your stylesheet and javascript content (MIME) types. Again, you use the Rake "config" task.
(Optional) Set a different location for the cache directory. This is set in The styles_n_scripts_extension.rb file using TEXT_ASSET_CACHE_DIR
== TO-DO Figure out what the core team needs to get this puppy baked into Radiant!
Add a mechanism to eliminate (or at least reduce) the possibility of circular
references with
Improve the file uploading: Do we need to confirm that it's a text file? Do we need to mess with handling different text encoding? Do we want to allow multiple file uploads?