chrisroberts / acts_as_sane_tree

Sane tree builder for ActiveRecord and PostgreSQL
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== acts_as_sane_tree ==== (Building trees with a dash of sanity)


This is a drop in replacement for acts_as_tree on systems with Postgresql >= 8.4

== What this provides

A fast way to build trees.

== What version of Rails

== Requirements

== Configuration

Same as acts_as_tree. Basically: Specify a parent_id or the column that holds the parent ID information.

class MyFancyTree < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_sane_tree end

== Extras

A few extras are provided. Of note are:

== Documentation

Yes, there is documentation. Please read it and find all the fun tools at your fingertips:

== Thanks

== License

A (now not so large) majority of this was copied directly from the original acts as tree, with the original license:

The new additions continue: