christensenjairus / Docker-Compose-Stack-for-Vaultwarden-Cloudflared

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Docker-Compose Stack for Vaultwarden via a Cloudflare tunnel (On Linux or Mac)


Creates a Docker container stack of

  1. Vaultwarden Server
  2. Cloudflare tunnel

The Cloudflare tunnel allows for administration through Cloudflare to add a subdomain, HTTPS, access rules, and more, without the need for port forwarding, a firewall, or self-signed certs.

This is important because Vaultwarden won't let you log in without an encrypted connection (HTTPS), so a docker-compose stack with Cloudflare is one of the easiest methods for obtaining an HTTPS connection to an otherwise non-encrypted system.


Buy a Cloudflare domain

This is out of scope of this documentation, however obtaining a cloudflare domain is super simple. Create a cloudflare account and buy a domain here.

Following this README, you can run Vaultwarden on the root of this new domain or on a subdomain of your choice and have it be reachable to the outside world.

Clone this repository

The following command will create a folder in your home folder titled VaultWarden. This will contain the files from this repository and hopefully soon contain Vaultwarden's data. Note: Make sure to have git installed first.

git clone ~/VaultWarden && cd ~/VaultWarden

Obtain a tunnel token



Add the token into docker-compose.yaml

In the docker-compose file, place the token on the following line.

    command: "tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token <token here!>"

Once done, it should look something like this

    command: "tunnel --no-autoupdate run --token eyJhIjoiYmNjMGFjZjYxZGM1Mzk2MzkxNjBhZjNhM2I4YTNjMTEiLCJ0IjoiYTg1YjczNWYtNTdjOC00ZGNmLTk2ZDgtMzkxNWEyNGI2OTAyIiwicyI6IllqRmxZV0ppTkRVdFlUazVNeTAwTlRjeExUZzNNekF0WWpZNFpqVm1NV1l5WldNNCJ9"

Edit where the VaultWarden data will be stored

By default, Vaultwarden will use the vw-data folder created when cloning this repo, as long as you run sudo docker-compose up -d while in the same folder as the docker-compose.yaml file.

If you’d like to store this data elsewhere, change the file path to the left of the colon (:) on the following line of docker-compose.yaml.

- ./vw-data:/data 

For example, this could be the following if I wanted it in Jacob’s Documents folder

- /home/jacob/Documents/VaultWarden_Data:/data

Run the Stack

cd into the same folder as the docker-compose.yaml file and run the following to create and run the docker stack. The -d flag means ‘run in the background’ and can be omitted for debugging so you can see the vaultwarden and cloudflare logs.

sudo docker-compose up -d

Verify the tunnel is working






Set up HTTPS redirects in Cloudflare

Visit the Cloudflare Dashboard, click on your website, then navigate with the left side panel to SSL/TLS > Overview. This page will look like this



Cronjob to Backup Vaultwarden's Data