christiaanderidder / QuestPDF.Markdown

QuestPDF.Markdown allows rendering markdown into a QuestPDF document
MIT License
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csharp markdig markdown pdf pdf-converter questpdf


QuestPDF.Markdown allows rendering markdown into a QuestPDF document using the markdig parser.

Nuget Nuget


var text = 
@"# Hello, world!
*Greetings* from **markdown**!
> Hello, back!";

var document = Document.Create(container =>
    container.Page(page =>


Styling the output

The styling used by QuestPDF.Markdown can be configured using MarkdownRendererOptions.

var text = @"> Hello, world!";

var options = new MarkdownRendererOptions
    BlockQuoteBorderColor = Colors.Red.Medium,
    BlockQuoteBorderThickness = 5

var document = Document.Create(container =>
    container.Page(page =>
        page.Content().Markdown(text, options);

Rendering images

By default, downloading and rendering external images is disabled. Images can be downloaded using the ParsedMarkdownDocument.DownloadImages() method. The parsed markdown document can then be passed to the Markdown() extension method.

var text = @"![title](";

var markdown = ParsedMarkdownDocument.FromText(text);
await markdown.DownloadImages(httpClient: myHttpClient /* Optionally provide your own HttpClient */);

var document = Document.Create(container =>
    container.Page(page =>
        page.Content().Markdown(markdown, options);

What's supported?

The aim of this library is to support all basic markdown functionality and some of the extensions supported by markdig.

Currently the following features are supported:

Support for the following extensions is currently not planned:

A full sample can be found in and the resulting test.pdf.


To quickly test changes made in the library, you can make use of the excellent QuestPDF previewer in combination with the QuestPDF.Markdown.Tests project and dotnet watch

To render the test markdown file in the previewer, run the following command in the root directory of the repository:

dotnet watch test --project ./tests/QuestPDF.Markdown.Tests -- --filter Name=Render

To render the test markdown file in the previewer with additional background colors and margins, run the following command in the root directory of the repository:

dotnet watch test --project ./tests/QuestPDF.Markdown.Tests -- --filter Name=RenderDebug

Any changes made to the MarkdownRenderer class will be automatically reflected in the previewer.