christianskovly / pieChain

Basic blockchain for raspi
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  ____  _       ____ _           _
 |  _ \(_) ___ / ___| |__   __ _(_)_ __
 | |_) | |/ _ \ |   | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \
 |  __/| |  __/ |___| | | | (_| | | | | |
 |_|   |_|\___|\____|_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_|

Basic blockchain for raspi

Things to do:

  1. Wallet a. Create new - Create Public / Private encryption pair b. login c. check balance d. send / recieve e. sign transactions f. view NFTs
  2. Add transaction information a. ID b. timestamp c. sender d. reciever e. amount f. This asset type (token, NFT, message?, etc) g. memo h. transaction type (mint, transfer, swap, stake, etc) i. hash
  3. NFT data type a. Name b. Description c. link to asset d. metadata (creators, metadata, etc) e. Traits (array of traits in any given collection)
  4. make each node an ad hoc network
  5. create mining / node hosting reward scheme
  6. check device to limit nodes to raspberry pi / clone boards
  7. create blockchain dapp a. Add, edit, delete nodes b. see miners / nodes attached / working on network c. show transactions / blocks d. show rewards